Sex and the City
Sex and the City mistake picture

Secret sex - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: Samantha and Carrie are hanging Carrie's poster in her apartment. In one shot, the whole poster is pinned to the wall and in the next shot, the bottom left part of the poster is curling up. After another shot of Samantha, the poster is pinned perfectly to the wall again.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of every show we see Carrie walking down the street and she gets splashed by the bus. First the bus has people on it, then in the next shot they all disappear.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Attack of the five foot ten woman - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: The episode 'Attack of the 5 foot 10 woman' in season three, when Charlotte is afraid of the sauna. She is running into the sauna with a towel wrapped around her waist. The towel comes loose and is nearly falling off - but in the next shot it is neatly tied around her waist.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Sex and the country - S4-E9

Continuity mistake: When Carrie is startled by the squirrel and tosses the pie crust onto the counter, the camera cuts to her clasping her legs where she burnt them. In the next shot of the counter the pie crust has vanished; then in the next shot of it, the crust has returned. Also, the tray and tea towels change positions.

Sex and the City mistake picture

La douleur exquise! - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: In the episode where Big returns from Paris, Carrie meets him at his apartment with a beret and 2 McDonalds bags. She says she got a Big Mac and a Filet O'Fish. She asks him which one he wants, holding the Big Mac in her left hand and the Filet O'Fish in her right. Instantly the sandwiches switch hands in the next shot as Big walks to the right.

Randy DeShong

Sex and the City mistake picture

The big time - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Miranda is woken up by the dog barking and finds that Steve hasn't come back to the apartment that night, the puppy she picks up is older than the puppy Steve picks up when he comes back to the apartment the next morning.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Easy come, easy go - S3-E9

Continuity mistake: When Samantha and her date are in the health food restaurant, she orders wheatgrass shots. The waiter pours them, filling the cups to the brim and then sets one on the table in front of each of them and we see again in a close up that they are both full up. Yet when Samantha picks up hers to drink, the liquid level has gone down a little way.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Catch-38 - S6-E15

Continuity mistake: There's a scene that opens with Carrie and her boyfriend in his apartment, and he's sitting with baby Brady on his lap. The camera cuts to another angle, and it's very obviously a different baby.

Sex and the City mistake picture

Boy, interrupted - S6-E10

Continuity mistake: At the end of the show, when Carrie visits Jeremy at the psychiatric facility, they are sitting outside having a picnic. As they are talking, notice Carrie's necklace. It is a bolero-type necklace and the red stones on the end move up the necklace to near the clasp and then back down into her cleavage. Then they go back up again.


Sex and the City mistake picture

Coulda, woulda, shoulda - S4-E11

Continuity mistake: Carrie is sitting at her laptop eating a blue ice pop. She takes a bite from the top then holds the stick with the rest of the ice pop in between her teeth while she types on the laptop, we see a shot of the screen. When we go back to Carrie she is eating the rest of the ice pop which is impossible because just 2 seconds before it was still attached to the stick. She didn't have time to bite it off the stick because she was using both her hands to type.


To market, to market - S6-E1

Plot hole: In this episode Carrie runs into Aidan, who now has what looks to be about a 6 month old baby (Tate). This doesn't seem possible, as Carrie and Aidan would have only broken up about a year ago, and Miranda was around 6 months pregnant when they broke up. Brady is only about 5 months old at this point in the series, leaving Aidan only roughly 8 months to have this baby - but Aidan lay in bed for about a month and then dated Nina Katz for awhile. Timeline just doesn't seem to fit.

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Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.

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Boy, interrupted - S6-E10

Trivia: When Samantha runs into Phoebe on the street, Phoebe is really Geri Halliwell, one of the Spice Girls (Ginger Spice). At the same time that they were filming this scene in front of the SoHo House, Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) and David Beckham were actually inside the SoHo House as well. (00:04:50)

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Twenty-something girls vs. thirty-something women - S2-E17

Question: I have a somewhat odd question for everyone that watches Sex and the city. I got into the show about 2 or 3 years after it started running but I remember watching the episode "Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women" which was the episode about Carrie and the girls going to the Hamptons and renting a house. Charlotte dates a younger guy that gives her crabs. There is commentary about comparing 20 year girls to 30 year old women and when I watched this episode originally I swear there was a different ending then what is what is shown now. I want to know if anyone else has seen this or am I absolutely insane. In the episode there is a girl that pukes on the beach - her friend holds her hair back and Carrie makes a commentary about "counting on 20 year old girls to hold your hair back." Later when Carrie sees Big with Natasha she runs to the beach and Miranda runs after her. Carrie throws up because she is upset and Miranda holds her hair back, but the version I saw changes the commentary/narration and says that you can "always count on a 30 something year old friend to hold your hair back." I haven't seen that version again. Has anyone else seen it or did I just dream this, because I swear I remember watching this when it first came out?

Weeny Post

Answer: I'm a long-time fan of the show, having re-watched it many times, and I definitely remember slightly different dialogue at the end of that episode than what's on my DVD. I'm afraid I have no idea why this change might have been made or any other info, but you're not insane.


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