Jean G

11th May 2007

The Invisible Man (2000)

Bad Chi - S2-E9

Factual error: Darien sets up a tripod and videotapes himself leaving a message for the Agency. When the tape is played back later, the camera can be seen to have both zoomed in and panned to follow his movements, even though no one was there to make those adjustments. (00:30:30)

Jean G

Factual error: When Richard Collier first arrives in 1912, the woman getting dressed in the hotel room is humming "You Made Me Love You," a song not published until 1913. It was first recorded by Al Jolson in June of 1913. The lady in the hotel shouldn't have known it yet. (00:30:00)

Jean G

21st Apr 2007

The Outer Limits (1963)

The Invisibles - S1-E19

Factual error: The General brandishes a six-shooter pistol with an enormous silencer attached to it. He's a career military guy who should definitely know better, so he gets a failing grade in Basic Weaponry 101. Silencers don't work on revolvers. (00:34:50)

Jean G

18th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

A Thousand Pardons -- You're Dead! - S2-E1

Factual error: Danno, who's posing as a Marine, has hair that's far too long to be permitted in the Corps. In fact, all of the Marines in this episode have non-regulation (too long) haircuts. 'T'was the same then as it is now: US Marines are given "buzz jobs," and hair longer than an inch is not allowed.

Jean G

18th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

A Thousand Pardons -- You're Dead! - S2-E1

Factual error: At the end, Simms shoots at McGarrett and is instantly riddled with bullets from the 8 or 9 cops who shoot back. Yet, when McGarrett walks over to the body, there are no holes - and no blood - marring Simms' pristine uniform. (00:48:00)

Jean G

15th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

Season 10 generally

Factual error: 10-13 "The Big Aloha": McGarrett compliments Palahana on his surfing skills with the line, "Nice ride." But the ocean behind them in the shot is virtually flat. With no waves, Palahana's supposed "nice ride" is impossible.

Jean G

15th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

Season 10 generally

Factual error: 10-4 "The Friends of Joey Kalima": Guest star John Rubinstein (son of classical pianist Artur Rubinstein) guest stars as Joey - but his name is misspelled in the end credits as "Rubenstein."

Jean G

8th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

7th Apr 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

Birds of a Feather - S1-E1

Factual error: Talking to Dresden, Bob refers to his first grimoire (a book of spells & magic). But the closed captioner, apparently unfamiliar with the term, has rendered the line, "My first Renoir," which, though amusing, makes no sense at all in the context of the conversation. (Refers to the aired version: the error was corrected on the DVD release.) (00:24:00)

Jean G

24th Mar 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

24th Mar 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

24th Mar 2007

The Outer Limits (1963)

It Crawled Out of the Woodwork - S1-E11

Factual error: When the energy monster kills his entire research staff by stopping their hearts, Dr. Block brings them all back to life (with their minds and personalities intact) by installing pacemakers. But when the heart stops functioning, brain death occurs within minutes. For this to work, he'd not only have to operate on several people simultaneously, he'd also have to be the fastest heart surgeon on Earth. (00:40:00)

Jean G

10th Mar 2007

Somewhere In Time (1980)

10th Mar 2007

Somewhere In Time (1980)

Factual error: The 1912 hotel has frosted light bulbs hanging from the ceiling in some scenes. Frosted bulbs weren't around until the 1940s. (00:43:15)

Jean G

28th Feb 2007

Hawaii Five-O (1968)

The Face of the Dragon - S1-E17

Factual error: Two deaths by bubonic plague, spread by casual human contact, have Five-O scrambling to prevent an epidemic on Oahu. But the disease isn't spread this way (its vector is fleas on infected rats). And since the introduction of antibiotics in the 1940s, bubonic plague has been imminently curable, so there was no need for panic, other than, of course, to make the episode more dramatic. (00:18:00)

Jean G

28th Feb 2007

The Twilight Zone (1959)

To Lure a Man - S3-E13

Factual error: Mundy makes a phone call by wiring a radio speaker to the wall jack. Clever, but it wouldn't work. He might be able to hear dial tone, etc., but no one he called would be able to hear him without a microphone/sound pick-up, which the radio didn't have. (00:16:15)

Jean G

5th Feb 2007

Time Tunnel (1966)

Chase Through Time - S1-E24

Factual error: Doug and Tony time travel to one million years B.C., where they encounter dinosaurs. Not likely. All the dinosaurs were rendered extinct several million years earlier by an asteroid strike. There weren't any left by 1-million BC. (00:29:45)

Jean G

27th Jan 2007

Time Tunnel (1966)

Visitors From Beyond the Stars - S1-E18

Factual error: The aliens show Doug and Tony the planet they plan to invade - Earth, of course. But the special effects department forgot to give poor old Earth any clouds. (There are clouds over more than 70% of our planet at any given time.) When they go down to the surface, though, there are plenty of clouds in the sky. (00:05:20)

Jean G

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