The Doctor

8th Dec 2006

Casino Royale (2006)

Answer: He doesn't appear in this film. As the film is set at the very start of Bond's career, it wouldn't make sense - the character that would go on to be Q was introduced in Dr. No, and wasn't created with the title of Q until Goldfinger, by which time Bond was well into his Double-0 career. Also, Casino Royale is a film which doesn't rely heavily on gadgets, unlike a lot of other Bond films, meaning that the character would be a little redundant if he appeared.

The Doctor

15th Mar 2005

Gladiator (2000)

Question: Was Commodus and Lucilla half brother and sister? Wondering because of Commodus' attraction for Lucilla. Was incest normal at that time?


Chosen answer: No, they are full brother and sister. They both had the same mother and father. Incest was not exactly normal at that time, but it stretches back within the imperial families as far as Caligula and possibly earlier. There is no evidence to suggest that the real Commodus was attracted to his sister, it was probably just included in the film in order to make the character seem more disturbed, and also as another reason why he would be Maximus' enemy (Maximus and Lucilla were, after all, once lovers).

The Doctor

8th Jan 2005

Jumanji (1995)

Question: When Judy was stung by that plant and she collapsed, I never really understood what happened. She collapsed but was she poisoned and killed or just paralyzed? Anybody have the faintest idea? That's the only bit I never understood. I thought she was shot by poisonous darts...


Answer: Since the barb was poisonous, she was dying. This is seen when she begins looking pale and a few seconds later she isn't moving. Finishing the game was the only way to save her life.

Chosen answer: She was just temporarily immobilized by the venom - it wears off after a few minutes.

The Doctor

No, it doesn't. Alan said the purple plants shoot poisonous barbs. After being hit, by them, Judy was slowly being poisoned to death.

Answer: He fell onto a grassy knoll a little way underneath the mouth of the cave. How he managed to get into Mount Doom is another matter, but bearing in mind the Hobbits took AGES to get through Mordor, he must have beaten them to it. If you look closely at him inside Mount Doom you can see he has bruises, cuts etc., probably inflicted by his fall.

The Doctor

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