
Revealing mistake: When Bain is in the bath and communicating with his employer, you can see he is just punching random keys on the keyboard that do not match up with what he is supposedly writing. First, he writes "Nothing. I retired the buyers", but he never touches the "n" or "e" keys. A little later, he types "And", but his hand never comes near the "a" key. (01:07:10)


Audio problem: In the beginning of the film, Sly is on the computer telling his employers that the mark has been retired. If you listen to the keyboard strokes compared to what's typed on the screen, you'll notice that no sound is made for the space bar or the enter button.

Paul Plesser

More mistakes in Assassins

Miguel Bain: I beat you to the buyers, and now I've beat you to the mark. I'm sorry, but I think I picked the wrong guy to be my hero.

More quotes from Assassins

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