
Other mistake: Bond is pushed from the plane without a parachute, but can see he wearing a altimeter on his wrist.

Continuity mistake: After Jaws' cable car crashes and everything explodes, he appears inches away from a table and chair with a 7UP ice cube on. A shot later a girl comes running and the table is 3 meters away, lying fallen on the floor.


Factual error: When the space station starts to rotate to generate artificial gravity, the crews from the space shuttles can be seen walking along the tunnels. The gravity would be pulling them back towards the shuttles - acting outwards from the center of the space station.

Continuity mistake: When Bond kills the python, Jaws pulls Bond out of the pond and Jaws' trousers are dripping wet. But when Jaws walks into the shuttle control centre, his trousers appear to be completely dry.

Audio problem: While Bond fights against Chan in the basement, Bond pushes him against a table covered in papers. Chan falls backwards but a frame later the table is broken and the papers are all over the place. The sound of the previous crash is missing.


Revealing mistake: When Bond and Chang are fighting in the glass museum, Bond cuts Chang's stick in half with his foil. If you look carefully, you can see a mark on Chang's stick where it is to be cut.

Revealing mistake: When Bond is taking photographs of the plans with his 007 camera, ignore the 007 camera and look behind it as he turns the camera vertical, you will see someone with very dark eyebrows which is not Roger Moore. (00:26:50)


Continuity mistake: When Drax is jetisened from the Space Station by Bond, he flips end over end but at some point in the last moments we see him his body moves upward as though he hit some turbulence and then it moves downward. This isn't possible in space because unlike skydiving where one can manipulate his body in flight, in space one can't change his momentum without something to counteract the direction one's headed in like jet propulsion or running into an object that would allow them to stop the way they were previously headed. Drax has neither the jet propulsion since he is ejected in just his suit and doesn't run into anything which would change his direction.

Tobin OReilly

Continuity mistake: When Bond shoots the man in the tree, he is wearing a hat. He is still wearing it as he falls, but when he is shown on the ground, it is nowhere to be seen.

Revealing mistake: During the pursuit in the Amazonian forest, one of Drax's boats jump. The persons in it are shown to be dummies because they smash so violently that a person couldn't survive that impact, and they stay bent after that.

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: When Drax is about to destroy the American shuttle, Bond, at the last minute leaks out all the gravity and everyone starts floating. In the next shot or two when you see Bond starting to float, a wire is visible that is used to make him hover.

[The staff of MI6 are watching a large screen that shows Bond and Dr. Goodhead making love in space.]
Minister: My god, what's Bond doing!?
Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.

More quotes from Moonraker

Trivia: The film's budget had been more than the first six Bond films added together, but Broccoli's gamble paid off. Upon release in the summer of 1979, the film enjoyed huge success globally, and the film easily recouped its budget.

More trivia for Moonraker

Question: If the nerve gas doesn't infect animals, what about people's pets? How would they survive without being fed if all the owners are dead?


Answer: They would die or escape and go feral, as would zoo animals, farm animals etc.

More questions & answers from Moonraker

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