
Deliberate mistake: During the space battle, one of Drax's men gets his back pack blasted. (1:46:37) His entire pack explodes so that his jet pack and life support are destroyed. But as a result of that blast, all the parts from his suit FALL DOWN! Even though there's no gravity.


Factual error: Two pilot/astronauts steal a space shuttle by firing it up and launching it off the back of the Boeing 747 transporter. This cannot happen: the 747 can't lift the shuttle with a full fuel load – it only just lifts it empty. It is not a fictional, futuristic spacecraft. It's a bog standard shuttle, stolen from NASA, on the back of the modified 747 used by them to transport the orbiter from its landing site to Cape Canaveral. (Why would they carry a fully fuelled shuttle anyway?)

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[The staff of MI6 are watching a large screen that shows Bond and Dr. Goodhead making love in space.]
Minister: My god, what's Bond doing!?
Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.

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Trivia: The film's budget had been more than the first six Bond films added together, but Broccoli's gamble paid off. Upon release in the summer of 1979, the film enjoyed huge success globally, and the film easily recouped its budget.

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Question: Just before Bond gets get on the cable car, there is a brass band wearing full costume animal outfits, a grey rabbit, pink chicken, red monkey, spotted dog. What is the song they are playing and which band is it?

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