Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, we see a zombie eating from a corpse in the middle of the road. It then gets hit by our heroes' trucks. What doesn't make sense is the fact that zombie blood (highly infectious) splashes all over the side of the (windowless) bus with kids in it. There's nothing stopping the blood from getting in the kids' faces, yet nobody seems to be alarmed by this.
Corrected entry: When the Alice Clone awakes when the movie first starts, she goes into the laser hallway and the lasers start to come. When they transform into the grid, she jumps into a duct in the roof and when the camera shows her shoe, the laser is only a line, not the grid.
Corrected entry: In the first scene of the movie when Alice is in the room with the lasers, the laser first comes at her as a horizontal bar then, after it has passed, it goes by again in a grid pattern. In the end of the movie when Alice is back in the same room with mutated Dr. Isaacs, the laser immediately starts in its grid form bypassing the horizontal bar.
Correction: Yes, it's an artificial intelligence computer. It "learns" what works and what doesn't as time goes on. The laser grid behaved the same way in the original movie as well, so it is consistent.
Corrected entry: Towards the end before Alice goes in the Umbrella Corp, and the convoy that is left goes into the helicopter they are going to try and go to Alaska. There is no way the a helicopter that is in Las Vegas could make to Alaska in a helicopter, even with a full tank of fuel they could even come close to making it there. If the convoy couldn't find regular gas where do they think they will find helicopter fuel?
Correction: The convoy couldn't find gas in the small desert towns they tried; the helicopter gives them a wider range and allows them to find previously inaccessible places. As for the type of fuel, even if this helicopter doesn't use regular gas, there are plenty of airfields between Las Vegas and Alaska where they could potentially fuel up.
Corrected entry: The American Umbrella Corporation's main entrance is protected by just a mere wire fence and stands only by a few feet, yet for some unknown reason the numerous zombies are unable to climb over it. However, in the Las Vegas scene they obviously had no trouble climbing the much taller Eiffel tower which is a much more daunting task for something of limited motor capabilities.
Corrected entry: The amount of sand seen covering various Las Vegas buildings would have taken hundreds if not thousands of years to accumulate to reach the depths portrayed in the scene - far more time than what the storyline has occurred in.
Corrected entry: When L.J. is bitten he manages to suppress becoming a zombie for 1-2 days. When Carlos is bitten by L.J. he is infected so quickly and talks about it "being too late for him" (whereas in the previous film he had 3 hours before getting the antidote). Why is this different now and why is Carlos not still carrying the antidote in him?
Correction: The t-virus was modified by her blood, as explained in the latter part of the movie. Therefore his blood would have no natural immunity, and this would explain why it infected at an accelerated rate.
I'd like to point out Carlos was bitten by LJ, and not one of the advanced Tmuts. BUT there was a jump scare shot where Carlos may or may not have been also bitten by an advanced one shortly prior to LJ biting him.
Corrected entry: Alice was able to sniff out infected people in "Apocalypse", but not in this one.
Correction: In Apocalypse, the only one she was able to "sniff out" was Angie. Carlos and Jill's partner were bitten and showing signs of infection when Alice noticed [Carlos coughed, and Peyton staggers in pain]. Angie and her were both injected, but lived normally. That might be the only type of infected that Alice is able to sense. Since LJ was bitten in this film, she wouldn't be able to sense that he was infected.
Corrected entry: The American Umbrella Corporation's main entrance is protected by just a mere wire fence and stands only by a few feet, yet for some unknown reason the numerous zombies are unable to climb over it. However, in the Las Vegas scene they obviously had no trouble climbing the much taller Eiffel tower which is a much more daunting task for something of limited motor capabilities.
Correction: No the "Bio-hazards" that are let go in the Las Vegas scene are zombies that have been enjected with a special anti-virus so they have way more intelligent motor function skills and reasonble reasoning. This is explained when The Queen tells Alice that the doctor has been bit by a specialy enfected "Bio-hazard."
Correction: The zombie is hit and afterwards rolls and gets caught by the spikes on the wheels, they didn't aim for it intentionally. Sure it was stupid and possibly dangerous but that doesn't make it a plot hole. It was just a freak accident that turned out okay. Unless the kids are shown to have been covered by blood then this is not a plot hole.