Trivia: The actor who plays Spider Rico is indeed the same actor who played him in the 1976 original film (Pedro Lovell).
Trivia: During filming of the final fight scene Sylvester Stallone was actually knocked unconscious by the punches.
Trivia: The big picture on the back wall of the restaurant is the one at the end of Rocky 3 when Rocky and Apollo face off in the gym.
Trivia: This is the first Rocky sequel that does not open with a recap of the ending fight from the previous movie.
Answer: This is true, however it was something invented for Rocky V that was supposed to be from Rocky IV that was only introduced into V after. V is considered to be the worst film of the series with very poor reception. Stallone himself has even gone on record saying that he hates V. So this sixth film almost pretends that film never happened. V is still technically canon with this film, however six basically ignores a lot of problem with that film and tries to recton it. Does this create inconsistencies and continuity issues with the series? yes. Is the film better for it? Definitely. So where as that was supposed to be the case after V, they pretty much said with this film that no... we are not doing that any more pretend V didn't happen... but it did happen. It's a soft reboot in a way.
Quantom X ★