Trivia: After the credits, there is an enjoyable one minute scene with Sharpay and Zeke.

Trivia: The company that offers work to Lightning McQueen is called Dinoco. Dinoco is the name of the gas station that Andy stops at on his way to Pizza Planet in Toy Story.

Trivia: In the film, Bond says to M, "So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman." This is a reference to the character John Ballard (played by Daniel Craig) in the 1998 film "Elizabeth".

Trivia: At the end of the film, when the hospital bed crashes through the hospital window, Inspector Clouseau says "That breeze feels good". Steve Martin had said this line in the 1983 film "The Man with Two Brains", where his character Dr Michael Hfuhruhurr tells Dolores Benedict the same words after he breaks a window.

Trivia: The camera moves from Troy's crime scene to Kerry in the bathtub in one shot - Dina Meyer had to run around the set, undress, and jump into the tub. If you look closely, you can still see the water moving from when she jumped in.

Trivia: The face on the small music box lid is visible when Will steals the key from Davy Jones. At Tia Dalma's, when Jack steals the ring, it lies beside a necklace whose pendant is identical to the face on Davy Jones's music box.

Trivia: In the last scene of the movie when Chris and his son are crossing the street and telling jokes, they pass a man in a suit who gives them a brief nod. This is a cameo appearance from the real Chris Gardner.
Trivia: The man working on the burger van is reading a copy of The Da Vinci Code - interesting as the book is about the Jesus blood line.

Trivia: Director Christophe Gans wanted to use the original soundtrack recordings of Akira Yamaoka's scores from the various "Silent Hill" video games in the film. However, due to a legality issue necessitating the hiring of a Canadian composer for the film, Jeff Danna was selected to serve as the lead credited composer. However, it was later confirmed that he actually composed very little original music for the film, and instead mainly focused on created re-mixes and new recordings of the themes from the video-games, so that he and director Gans could preserve Akira Yamaoka's music and style as much as possible.

Trivia: Most of the interrogation scenes in the movie were ad-libbed.

Trivia: The actor who plays Spider Rico is indeed the same actor who played him in the 1976 original film (Pedro Lovell).

Trivia: When Sean is learning how to drift at the docks, the fisherman that comments about his drifting is actually the real Drift King, Keiichi Tsuchiya. The comments about betting on the '72 Skyline and '86 Corolla are throwbacks to him as well as the Skyline was his first drift car and the Corolla was one of his favorites.

Trivia: Michael's neighbors last name is O'Doyle, which is the name of the bully kids in Billy Madison who say "O'Doyle Rules."

Trivia: The opening shot of the film is the most expensive shot ever produced using CGI, costing at around $2.5million.

Trivia: Some weapons used by 300 are actually weapons from previous war epics like "Alexander" and "Troy." They were used in this film to cut costs.

Trivia: WWE superstar Randy Orton was the original choice to play John Triton. However, when it was discovered that Randy went AWOL while serving in the Marines, the decision was then made to give the role to John Cena.