I Know What You Did Last Summer

Other mistake: After Barry (Ryan Phillippe) is put in the hospital, the four of them are talking about the murder and who tried to kill Barry. If you look at the door to Barry's room it is open - didn't anybody hear them talking about murders and a man with a slicker? (00:43:45)

Other mistake: When Julie goes onto the boat to call the police, she sees a collection of newspaper articles and photos stuck to the wall. The photos, however, were taken earlier that same day. Unless they were printed from a colour printer on gloss paper the killer owned in between chasing all of them, there was not enough time to develop them and stick them up. (01:25:15)

Other mistake: When Ben gets run over, he has numerous bloody scars on his face, but near the end he only has one scar, going across the top of his right head to the bottom of his left face, no way he would only have one scar after a collision like that.


Other mistake: David Egan's obituary mentions that he was 28 when he died. When they go to see David's sister Missy, she says that he was Class of '92 at the high school. So that would make him 23 when he graduated, meaning he was born in 1969 instead of 1974. (00:45:00)


Plot hole: Barry gets killed violently at the pageant. So obviously there should be blood everywhere. When the police go up to the crime scene, they find nothing. There's no way the killer had time to clean up anything, let alone drag away Barry's body without someone seeing him. And blood starts dripping after the police leave the scene.

More mistakes in I Know What You Did Last Summer

Barry: We did a lot of things last summer.
Julie: Yeah, well, only one murder comes to mind.

More quotes from I Know What You Did Last Summer

Trivia: Max (Johnny Galecki) was killed to beef up the body count. The scene was filmed after principal photography.

More trivia for I Know What You Did Last Summer

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