Hollow Man

Other mistake: After the veterinarian throws blood all over the floor, we see clean spots appear on the floor in the shape of Sebastian's feet as he walks through the blood. Somehow he never has any of it stick to the bottom of his feet (even when he's in the puddle).

Other mistake: Elisabeth Shue uses the blowtorch to set off the fire sprinkler in the hallway, but later there is a raging inferno in the lab with all the important data and equipment and there's not one sprinkler, nor any alternative "electronic equipment friendly" automated fire suppression mechanism such as Halon gas.

Other mistake: During the scene when Elizabeth Shue burns Kevin Bacon with the flame thrower, she has blood on her shirt. When she shoots the sprinkler head the blood is gone.

Other mistake: The deadbolt lock on Rhona Mitra's apartment door is installed incorrectly, with the key hole on the inside and the lever on the outside. (00:57:25 - 00:58:05)

Other mistake: When Sebastian starts thrashing around he breaks restraints strong enough to hold an adult gorilla.

Other mistake: How does Sebastian breathe? He has a full head latex mask which covers his nostrils and doesn't have holes cut out. Many times during the film he has his mouth closed for long periods and has no way of getting air! He even eats a Twinkie without breathing.


Other mistake: When the subject is invisible, and the crew are attempting to return it to normal, when they inject the orange anti-serum into both the gorilla's and Caine's bloodstreams, it makes a noticeable "slooshing" noise as it rushes through their veins, which, technically, should make no noise at all.


Plot hole: There must be a lot of dumb scientists in Sebastian's lab. While defibrillating the invisible gorilla, (s)he becomes completely visible for a moment. However, not once do the scientists consider that applying a mild electrical shock to the system renders the invisible animal visible again - that electricity may be the key to the whole invisibility problem. They don't even comment upon the fact that the gorilla does become visible.

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Sebastian: I can't take much more testing.
Matt: I know how hard it is.
Sebastian: Bullshit. You don't know anything.
Matt: This isn't easy for any of us.
Sebastian: Fuck you, Matt! It is easy for you. I was to be in phase-shift for three days. It's been ten fucking days, all right? Ten days of tissue tests, radiation tests and your fucking needles! I can't fucking take it anymore.
Matt: What I meant was.
Sebastian: Fuck what you meant! And don't ever... Don't ever tell me how hard you have it.

More quotes from Hollow Man

Trivia: Whenever Sebastian is invisible and interacting with the other characters, Kevin Bacon's voice would be broadcast throughout several speakers randomly hidden throughout the set. This was done to make the reaction more genuine, since the actors would honestly not know where his voice was going to come from next, just as the characters would not know where Sebastian was.

More trivia for Hollow Man

Answer: The name of song is "Power Struggle" by Sunna.

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