Sebastian: I can't take much more testing.
Matt: I know how hard it is.
Sebastian: Bullshit. You don't know anything.
Matt: This isn't easy for any of us.
Sebastian: Fuck you, Matt! It is easy for you. I was to be in phase-shift for three days. It's been ten fucking days, all right? Ten days of tissue tests, radiation tests and your fucking needles! I can't fucking take it anymore.
Matt: What I meant was.
Sebastian: Fuck what you meant! And don't ever... Don't ever tell me how hard you have it.
Janice: What was the clientele like?
Frank: This guy comes up to me and he says: "l like my women like my coffee."
Janice: People still use that line?
Frank: Maybe he meant cold and bitter.
Janice: Very funny.
Linda: Let me tell you a little secret. The concept of Sebastian is much more appealing then Sebastian himself.
Sebastian: You know what, Matt? It's amazing what you can do... when you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror any more.
Carter: Oh, I'd suck the tits right off you.
Matt: My 5th grade teacher told me, that "Genius is the ability to go from A to D without having to go through B and C." Sebastian can do that, but for me, I gotta have the B and C.
Linda: Sebastian, do you have any idea what time it is?
Sebastian: Da Vinci never slept. Said it was a waste of time.
Answer: The name of song is "Power Struggle" by Sunna.