
Revealing mistake: In the gun battle following the bank robbery, Drucker fires his shotgun at Cherrito. A female pedestrian in the background (apparently unaware she's in the shot) can be seen acting casually, without any reaction to the gun battle taking place.

Heat mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene when Pacino leaves the police station to go to his hotel for a shower, the camera is pointing up a tree lined street. Watch the pedestrians - they are all standing still until the car comes into view then someone obviously shouts action and they all start walking.

Revealing mistake: When Neil & Co. are in the restaurant after the armoured car robbery, they all get up to leave to deal with Waingrow. The next shot is from the parking lot of them leaving the restaurant. Right as the shots switch, they are all standing still lined up at the door for a second, and then they start to move out the door (once the director yelled "Action" I'm sure).

Heat mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Neil (De Niro) breaks into Van Zant's apartment and shoots him, watch as Van Zandt flies backward. You can see a wire running up through the bottom of his sweat pants.

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Alan Marciano: Why'd I get mixed up with that bitch?
Vincent Hanna: Cause she's got a great ass. And you got your head...all the way up it.
Alan Marciano: Jesus!
Vincent Hanna: Ferocious, aren't I? When I think of asses...a woman's ass...something comes out of me.

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Trivia: The scene in which Vincent learns his wife is cheating on him, removes the television set, and subsequently kicks it out of his car, was lifted from an episode of "Crime Story," which was produced by Michael Mann.

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Question: How did Lauren know what hotel Pacino was in? Pacino never told her or her mom where he was going, as far as I remember.

Answer: When Pacino is comforting his wife at the hospital, she says "She chose you. She picked your place." Guess the implication is he had been staying there for a long time and both Justine and Lauren knew where that was. Best explanation I have been able to find.

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