
Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro) is a thief... an expert thief... one of the best. His philosophy in life - become attached to nothing in life that you can't walk away from in 30 seconds if you spot the "Heat" around the corner. His crew of criminals is a high-tech outfit pulling off professional jobs that impress even the likes of Detective Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino). But Hanna, a man driven through life only by his work, becomes obsessed, at the expense of his private life, with bringing McCauley down. As McCauley's crew prepare for the score of a lifetime, and Hanna's team tries to bring him in, the two find that they are challenged by the greatest minds on the opposite side of the law that either one has ever encountered.

Heat mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Neil (De Niro) breaks into Van Zant's apartment and shoots him, watch as Van Zandt flies backward. You can see a wire running up through the bottom of his sweat pants.

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Neil McCauley: Roger Van Zant?
Roger Van Zant: Yeah, who's this?
Neil McCauley: You know who this is.
Roger Van Zant: Yes I do, yes I do. I sent a guy to deliver the package. He didn't call, is everything all right?
Neil McCauley: Tell you what, forget the money.
Roger Van Zant: What?
Neil McCauley: Forget the money.
Roger Van Zant: Wh...it's a lot of money. What are you doing? What do you mean, forget the money?
Neil McCauley: What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone.
Roger Van Zant: I don't understand.
Neil McCauley: 'Cause there's a dead man on the other end of this fuckin' line.

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Trivia: The final shoot-out scene at the airport with DeNiro and Pacino running across runways, avoiding being run over by jets, and winding up in the brush is an homage to the final scenes in 1968's 'Bullitt'. (02:38:00 - 02:44:00)


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Question: In the scene right before the big bank heist, a detective comes into the situation room informing the team that a CI Hugh Benny had a tip about Neil McCauley looking at Far East National Bank. How the heck did Waingro (working for Benny and VanZandt) even know about this score? McCauley hadn't even discussed it with Kelso when Waingro took down the armored car.

Answer: Waingro helped Van Zandt track down Trejo. Waingro then tortured Trejo and threatened his family if he didn't give up McCauley. With his back to the wall, Trejo gave Waingro and Hugh Benny the details of the bank heist, but Waingro killed Trejo's family anyway and beat Trejo almost to death. Benny then gives the tip to the police on Van Zandt's order.


I wonder how Trejo was tracked, I don't remember his name being revealed during Waingro's time with the crew, or any other information.

Well, we never see the crew prior to their first heist. Trejo could have given Waingro his name during the planning of that heist.


Waingro met this crew only once. How would he know who Trejo is or where he lives? Right before the heist, Trejo is asked to mislead police away from the heist.

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