Hard Day's Night

Other mistake: When Ringo and the young boy with the tire walk along the path together and the boy asks Ringo, "Why aren't you at work?," you can see Ringo mouthing the line along with him.

Other mistake: When the Beatles are playing cards and singing "I Should Have Known Better," Paul (who shouldn't really be singing anyway) flubs the first line of the last verse. He sings "I sh... [laughs] never realized..." John does almost the exact same thing when they sing "I Should Have Known Better" in the concert scene.

Other mistake: When the Beatles are rehearsing for the TV gig, it is easy to see that they are not actually playing their instruments. John points out to Ringo that he isn't even hitting the cymbals, which he attempts to improve.

Hard Day's Night mistake picture

Other mistake: An old woman in a dress shop peeps out to see all the cameras in front of her store before the Beatles run by on their way back to the studio. (01:13:40)


Continuity mistake: As Paul runs out of the train to his awaiting limo its door is open. In the next shot we see him from a different angle and he opens the door again. (00:16:20)


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Reporter: What do you call that collar?
Ringo: A collar.

More quotes from Hard Day's Night

Trivia: In the press conference scene, when the reporter asks John if he has any hobbies, you can just barely see that he writes down "tits" on her notepad.

More trivia for Hard Day's Night

Question: I don't get the whole "you look just like him" conversation that John has with that woman in the corridor. Could someone please tell me what it's all about?


Chosen answer: John is just messing with her. She recognizes him as being one of the famous Beatles, but he tells her that he's "not" John Lennon, to which she responds that "you look just like him." He finally convinces her that he is not John Lennon, and she tells him, "Actually, you don't look like him at all," to which the now-insulted John puts on his hat and leaves.


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