Hard Day's Night

Hard Day's Night (1964)

1 suggested correction

(3 votes)

Continuity mistake: Watch the clock on a wall. Six minutes of the movie go by but that clock hasn't moved one minute. (00:39:50 - 00:46:25)


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Suggested correction: The clock could be broken.

This is pure speculation, not a valid correction.


While it's possible the correction was done without viewing the scene/movie, a clock not moving (or showing the wrong time) isn't a valid mistake unless the same clock is shown working in the scene. The original mistake does not indicate the clock is working or that the time changes.


Continuity mistake: While looking for the canteen, George inadvertently wanders into a production office. The receptionist takes George in to see Simon, who believes George is there to audition for a testimonial for those "dead grotty" shirts. While the receptionist is sitting on Simon's desk, her legs are straight. After Simon says, "Because he isn't wearing one of these nasty things", her legs are instantly crossed. (00:43:50)

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T.V. Director: I won an award.
John: A likely story.
T.V. Director: It's on the wall in my office.

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Trivia: During one of the songs, Shake brings an amp onto the set. Watch as George proceeds to knock it over seconds later.

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Question: I don't get the whole "you look just like him" conversation that John has with that woman in the corridor. Could someone please tell me what it's all about?


Chosen answer: John is just messing with her. She recognizes him as being one of the famous Beatles, but he tells her that he's "not" John Lennon, to which she responds that "you look just like him." He finally convinces her that he is not John Lennon, and she tells him, "Actually, you don't look like him at all," to which the now-insulted John puts on his hat and leaves.


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