Halloween 5

Visible crew/equipment: When the punk Mikey was waxing his car, you can see a stage light in the reflection of the car.

Visible crew/equipment: While Mikey is shinning his car (as well as the stage light already listed as a mistake), as he goes along the side panel, just before the side mirror goes out of shot you can see the camera go past and a guys head in the reflection of the mirror.

Visible crew/equipment: When Michael is in the car chasing Jaime and it's shows the back end of the car, you can see the camera person in the back seat.

Visible crew/equipment: In the beginning of the movie, after Michael crawls out of the mine shaft he falls into a river. A string attached to his back is visible as he floats.


Continuity mistake: The Myers house was a small Victorian house in all the other films, but in this one it's a huge gothic mansion.

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Meeker: National Guard will take him to a maximum security facility where he'll stay till the day he dies.
Jamie: He'll never die.

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Trivia: As Michael Myers' mask in the original film had been made from a Captain Kirk costume mask, it seems fitting (even if almost certainly coincidental) that in this film Myers resembles Commander Data, the popular character from 'Star Trek: The Next Generation,' which was running on television at the time.


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Question: The scene where Jamie flees to the clinic's basement because she thinks Michael's there, was it all in her mind or what?


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