Plot hole: In the beginning, Rachel and Loomis are referring to Rachel's mother as being Jamie's step mother and Rachel refers Jamie as being her step sister. Rachel's mother is Jamie's foster mother and Jamie is Rachel's foster sister as said in Halloween 4.
Halloween 5 (1989)
Plot summary
Directed by: Dominique Othenin-Girard
Starring: Donald Pleasence, Danielle Harris, Ellie Cornell, Beau Starr
Michael Myers returns one year after the events of Halloween 4 to kill his niece, Jamie Lloyd.
Poison Gom Jabbar
Mikey: So how many cases can we get?
Spitz: Three cases. Any more and I think old Mr. Casy would-ah-know something's up, but we gotta get going, shift changes pretty soon. You gonna pull around back or should we both get busted out front?
Trivia: During one take of a fight scene between Dr. Sam Loomis and Michael Myers, Donald Pleasance accidentally broke Don Shanks' nose.
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