
Visible crew/equipment: There is a scene where Michael Myers is hiding behind a hedge bush and Laurie and her friend go to investigate. Laurie turns around and talks and you see cigarette smoke go by the camera (John Carpenter admitted on the commentary track that he was smoking a little too close to the camera that day). (00:24:10)

Halloween mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just before Laurie stabs Michael with the knitting needle you can see that one of the window shutters is open and that the wind is ruffling the curtain. When the camera gets closer and the curtain is out of the way you can see the huge fan in the studio being used to simulate the wind outside. (01:19:50)

Visible crew/equipment: When Annie is locked in the laundry room, there's a scene where the phone is ringing incessantly and the camera pans slowly to the right showing little Lindsay Wallace who's too busy watching television to answer the phone. If you watch this scene in widescreen, you'll see a crew member lurking in the shadows (left side of the screen) on the wall. It appears they are trying to avoid being seen. (00:47:10)

Halloween mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the opening sequence, the scene is shot in first-person point-of-view from the young Michael Myers. As he walks through the house, the shadow of the camera can be seen several times. After he picks up the knife in the kitchen, the camera's shadow is visible on the door frame leading into the dining room. It can be seen again just before he turns to go upstairs. (00:04:05)

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the opening murder scene, when Michael's father takes Michael's mask off, you can see the shadow of the camera cast on Michael's father as it pulls away. (00:06:35)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Dr. Loomis makes a call to Haddonfield police in a phone booth by the train tracks, you can see a reflection of a crew member in the phone booth glass.


Visible crew/equipment: When Laurie is trying to escape from the kitchen, you can see some kind of blue light in the top left corner making it look like it's light from the moon.

Visible crew/equipment: After Lynda and Bob make out on the couch, they both start to go upstairs. Lynda trips over the dolly track and Bob steps over it. (01:01:50)

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Suggested correction: You are incorrect, but it's an understandable mistake to make because the scene is very dark. It's hard to see, but Laurie actually uses both hands to break the glass... she puts them together and then slaps them through the window in a quick, fluid motion. (If you go through frame-by-frame or in slow motion, it's much, much easier to see.) That's why you're seeing two hands. It's not a crew member's hand... it's Jamie Lee Curtis' other hand.


Factual error: There's no way that the knife that killed Bob was long enough to go through his body and impale the wall behind him. And a butcher knife cannot "pin" a human body to a wall and just stay put, they aren't strong enough.

More mistakes in Halloween

Dr. Wynn: Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car.
Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.

More quotes from Halloween
Halloween trivia picture

Trivia: Michael Myers' mask is a Captain Kirk mask painted white with ruffled hair and a few other tweaks.

More trivia for Halloween

Question: Where did all of the kids' parents go that required babysitters for the entire night? Seems like a small town such as Haddonfield would not have many options.

Answer: There are only two families that hire babysitters in the film, the Doyle and Wallace families. Where they went is never explained, but it could be potentially anywhere. They could have gone on a trip out of town for the night, they don't have to be in Haddonfield.


Where did it state this was all night? It could have been a few hours. Remember that in the next one, it is still the same night and stays night through the entire movie.

Answer: Annual Halloween party as evidenced in the following instalment. Dr Mixtner was drunk and was at a party. The Strodes were also at a party, the same one if I recall correctly as the doctor.

Alan Keddie

Also we only SEE two families have babysitters. Other families could have had babysitters. We just don't see this. (I'm not sure if this adds anything additionally to the question asked, tho).

Alan Keddie

And why did Laurie's parents not come to the hospital? Did they not know she was there, even after the news release about the attack?

More questions & answers from Halloween

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