
Six year old Michael Myers murders his sister on Halloween night in 1963. He is then taken to a mental hospital where he is studied by Doctor Loomis. Then, in 1978, he escapes from the hospital, and on Halloween night he returns to the town where he murdered his sister, so that he can do harm to a baby-sitter and her friends. Halloween 1978 is the night HE came home.

Factual error: There's no way that the knife that killed Bob was long enough to go through his body and impale the wall behind him. And a butcher knife cannot "pin" a human body to a wall and just stay put, they aren't strong enough.

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Tommy: It's the boogeyman! The boogeyman's outside.
Laurie: Oh, Tommy, stop it! You're scaring Lindsey. There's nobody out there. Now, if you don't stop this I'm going to have to turn the TV off and send you to bed.
Tommy: Nobody believes me.
Lindsey: I believe you, Tommy.

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Trivia: When they were shooting the scenes for the start of the film (all the ones seen from Michael's POV) they couldn't get the 6-year old child actor until the last day so the movie's producer, Debra Hill, volunteered to be Michael for any scenes where his hands come into view. This is why the nails on young Michael's hands look so well manicured and varnished.

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Question: I have wondered this for ages. Laurie went over to the Wallace house because she thought they were all playing a prank on her. So when she found the bodies in the bedroom, why did she never assume that this could all just be a practical joke set-up? How did she know straight away that it was the real thing?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because it was too graphic and elaborate for her to think it might be a prank. Not to mention that there was probably a very distinctive smell to the room.

JC Fernandez

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