Good Burger

Deliberate mistake: As the Mondo Burger building is falling apart, customers and employees run out the doors. The glass doors then shatter. Not only do they break at the exact same time, there was nothing to make the windows shatter as hard as they did. (01:25:51)

Continuity mistake: When Ed is skating through the park and the baby gets mixed up with the players, they throw the baby through the hoop. If you watch, the man who threw the baby through the hoop doesn't have sleeves, but when it shows the baby being caught, the catcher has sleeves. Then it goes back to the person who supposedly caught him, but he has no sleeves again.

More mistakes in Good Burger

Ed: You wanna see my secret place?
Dexter: That's not what I had in mind.

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More trivia for Good Burger

Question: Why doesn't Ed go to school like Dexter?

Answer: We don't know that he doesn't. He could simply go to a different school where the school year ends slightly earlier. It's also possible that he's already graduated or dropped out.


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