Ed: You wanna see my secret place?
Dexter: That's not what I had in mind.
Ed: This is where I come to think... I think.
Dexter: Funny, I never figured you as much of a thinker.
Ed: You got it.
Dexter: Got what? I'm swinging from a dang pipe.
Dexter: I don't even remember what my dad looks like.
Ed: I don't remember what my dad looks like either, but at least I get to see him everyday.
Otis: Can you get me to a hospital? I think I broke my ass.
Roxanne: Do you know what would be great on this corn dog?
Ed: A turtleneck?
Mr. Baily: Ed! What are you doing inside the milkshake machine?
Ed: Trying to fix it.
Mr. Baily: Did you turn on the switch?
Roxanne: Would you like to have dinner tomorrow night?
Ed: I like to have dinner every night.
Dexter: Okay let's see, $5 an hour, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, I should be able to pay off the car in... oh, another lifetime.
Mr. Wheat: I'm worried about you.
Dexter: I'm worried about you, too. Have you seen yourself lately? The 'fro, the boots and that jacket. You have a nice summer, Shaft.
Kurt: You mess with Kurt, and you go in the grinder.
Dexter: Okay, now this "grinder" of yours. Is it a real grinder or is it just some kind of metaphor?
Kurt's assistant: If you ask me, the guy's a few tacos short of a combination plate.
Kurt: Can I give you a lift, Ed?
Ed: I don't know, I weigh about 150.
Kurt: Just get in the car.
Dexter: There you are, Ed. Um, can I sit here?
Ed: On my lap?
Dexter: No, man. I'll just sit down right next to you.
Ed: I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. 'Cause we're all dudes.
Ice Cream Man: Hey, what are you doing?
Otis: Stealing your truck.
Dexter: Yeah, we'll bring it back.
Answer: "(Not Just) Knee Deep" by George Clinton And The Funkadelics.