
Other mistake: In the final scene when they are about to charge Fort Wagner, Mathew Broderick yells "forward march!" and takes his first step with his right foot when it should have been his left foot like the rest of the battalion.

Other mistake: In the scene where muskets are issued to the 54th Massachusetts, only Pvt. Jupiter Sharts is revealed to be a marksman worthy of training the other troops by virtue of having previously hunted squirrels. The camera then zooms to a closeup of Pvt. Sharts aiming down the barrel with the wrong eye closed.

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Suggested correction: There are many people who are opposite eye one buddy shoots a gun right-handed but is left eye's common, and isn't a mistake.

Steve Kozak

Depends on exactly what the mistake is saying - to me it reads like the eye over the barrel is shut, which would throw his aim off significantly.

Glory mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the 54th Mass. marches past a liberated plantation some black children wave them on. One of them is wearing a digital wristwatch.

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Sgt. Mulcahy: You are ugly Mexican-African fuckin' whores.

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Question: The film opened with a scene from the bloodiest day in American history - which battle was depicted?

Answer: The Battle of Antietam, also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg. It took place 9/17/1862. 3,675 men lost their lives, with an additional 17,301 wounded that day.


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