The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Revealing mistake: After Luther faints from seeing the shears in the painting of Mrs. Simmons, the beam of light from his flashlight continues to move side to side, but Luther's flashlight is in his hand, unmoving.

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Maxwell, the head of the "Occult Society", is arguing with her husband Milo, watch her dish of tapioca. In the first shot, a profile shot, the dish is full. When the shot switches to a head-on shot, the dish is nearly empty. In the next profile shot, the dish is once again full and she's just then taking her first bite.

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Luther Heggs: Calm? Do "murder" and "calm" go together? Calm and murder? Murder?

More quotes from The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Trivia: The paintings of Mrs. Simmons are actually two different women. Don't know who the first one is (the one with the shears and blood), but the second one, when Luther brings everyone with him to the mansion, is actually taken from a painting of a mother and daughter entitled "Mrs. Fiske Warren and her daughter Rachel."

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