The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Trivia: The paintings of Mrs. Simmons are actually two different women. Don't know who the first one is (the one with the shears and blood), but the second one, when Luther brings everyone with him to the mansion, is actually taken from a painting of a mother and daughter entitled "Mrs. Fiske Warren and her daughter Rachel."

Trivia: Joan Staley, who played Alma in the film, was Miss November 1958 in Playboy magazine.


Trivia: The conductor of the band at the gazebo is played by Dick Wilson, who later played Mr. Whipple in the Charmin toilet paper commercials. His tag line for the product was "Please don't squeeze the Charmin!"


Continuity mistake: When Don Knotts (Luther) is in the Simmons' mansion, his flashlight moves when the light from the flashlight does not. One time, while leaving a room, his flashlight points away from him, but the light actually shines on him.

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