Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning
Movie Quote Quiz

Ethel: You dumb dildo.

Anita: What's wrong? Hey, you okay?
Demon: It's them damn enchiladas.

George: Go and let everyone else know breakfast is ready.
Reggie: Yo! Breakfast! Come and get it.
George: I could've done that.

Demon: You're gonna get it, bitch.
Anita: Lighten up, Demon, you'll feel a lot better after you shit.
Demon: I'll feel a lot better when I'm out of here. This shitbox is gross.
Anita: You better watch out for the snake that's going to crawl up that crapper and bite your ass.

Ethel: That is one fucking ugly man that goes there.
Junior: That's one fucking ugly man, Mama.
Ethel: Would you shut your trap? You ain't so pretty yourself, you know.
Junior: I ain't so pretty myself, I know.

Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Jason chases Pam with a clean machete, however in the shot just before he's hit by the tractor, the machete is bloody. (01:10:40 - 01:11:20)


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Trivia: The actress' surname that plays Tina in this movie is Voorhees, just like Jason.


More trivia for Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning

Question: Since Roy was Joey's biological father, how is this possible that he never tried to make any contact with his son? I mean, why didn't he even try to talk to him?

Answer: Several possibilities: 1 The mother requested he not make any contact, 2 They could've moved away, and he lost contact until then, 3 He may have been drafted into the army, and she could've divorced him during his time away and moved into whatever state this is located.


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