Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Audio problem: After Spicoli crashes Jefferson's car, Jefferson's brother says "My brother's gonna kill us - he's gonna kill us" yet his mouth isn't moving during those lines (even though shown from the back you can still tell). Then camera faces him and he now matches the words.

Continuity mistake: When Brad Hamilton is pouring the coffee in the machine at the Mi-T-Mart, there is a clock on the wall next to the battery display, but when the guy comes in to rob the place, the clock is gone and there is a Hostess Fruit Pie poster there now. (01:23:00)


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Trivia: The pretty girl in the corvette that pulls up next to Hamilton, when he is wearing the Pirate uniform, is Nancy Wilson of the rock band Heart. At the time Wilson was dating Cameron Crowe, who wrote the film's screenplay, and later got married.

William Bergquist

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Question: When the movie first came out, there was a whole different song playing near the end when Mark and Stacy see each other in the mall. In more recent years, "So In Love" is the song playing whenever this scene is shown. Why did the music change over the years? (I believe the song is different now in the swimming pool scene when Mike and Mark go into the pool from what I remember too). Anyone agree with this or have an explanation?

Answer: From what I can gather, "So Much in Love" by Timothy B. Schmit was in the original release of the film, but due to licensing rights issues, home video and cable TV versions of the film replaced this and two or three other tracks. For the 1999 DVD release, the rights seem to have been renewed and the soundtrack matches the original theatrical release.

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