Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Plot hole: In the very beginning at the mall, where the older guy comes in to the pizza shop and sits in Stacy's section - the co-worker says "she's not even in high school yet." First of all, the school she's at is "Ridgemont High", and secondly, if she wasn't in high school (which would mean she would be younger than 15 at least) - how could she have a job, where the minimum age is at least 15? Even by mall standards, it's doubtful they would hire someone who is 14.


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Suggested correction: In the 80s, high schools in most California areas were 10th through 12th grade (not 9th-12th like they are today). So many students DID enter high school then at 15.

Continuity mistake: When Brad Hamilton is pouring the coffee in the machine at the Mi-T-Mart, there is a clock on the wall next to the battery display, but when the guy comes in to rob the place, the clock is gone and there is a Hostess Fruit Pie poster there now. (01:23:00)


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Mike Damone: I can see it all now, this is gonna be just like last summer. You fell in love with that girl at the Fotomat, you bought forty dollars worth of fuckin' film, and you never even talked to her. You don't even own a camera.

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Trivia: The pretty girl in the corvette that pulls up next to Hamilton, when he is wearing the Pirate uniform, is Nancy Wilson of the rock band Heart. At the time Wilson was dating Cameron Crowe, who wrote the film's screenplay, and later got married.

William Bergquist

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Question: Why did Mr. Hand rip up Spicoli's card and then send him to the front office? Aside from being late, he didn't really do anything that could be considered "out of line."


Answer: As a teacher myself, you learn to be able to recognize "problem" students fairly quickly (those that are going to be disruptive, late, etc on a regular basis). Mr. Hand is simply overly strict in regards to Spicoli unexcused tardy and seems not to allow students into class late, thus earning the student an absent. Mr. Hand does say he "will make you" attend his class. In addition, Spicoli was high and, in Mr. Hand's mind, disrespectful (Spicoli said "hey I know that kid" while they were talking) so Mr. Hand showed Spicoli disrespect in return as a way to teach him a lesson.


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