Eyes Wide Shut

Other mistake: As Tom Cruise stands outside the Sonata Cafe, he sees snaps of Nick Nightingale's band. Kip Fleming on bass, Larry McVey on drums and Bobby Berman on guitar. Inside the Cafe, Nick introduces his band in a different order and instruments; Larry McVey on bass and Kip Fleming on drums.

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More quotes from Eyes Wide Shut

Trivia: The strange incantation heard at the beginning of the orgy scene is a fragment of a Romanian Orthodox Church sermon played backwards. If you play it backwards you'll notice that there are two main voices (in the movie is supposed to be only one - the voice of the "great priest") and a choir.

More trivia for Eyes Wide Shut

Question: One of the mistakes says there's a newspaper that Tom Cruise reads that has the same sentence written over and over. Is this a reference to the Shining by the production?

Answer: No. They needed to have an article for Cruise to read and, on the assumption that it wouldn't be readable by the viewers, they simply filled up the space required by repeating the same sentence over and over again. Another commonly used tactic is to steal text from a real article, leading to situations where the text of a newspaper article can be seen to have nothing to do with the actual headline.


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