Eyes Wide Shut

Revealing mistake: There are a number of scenes in the city where a letterbox is shown. Watch this postbox and the graffiti on it - the same box is used in 3 different places. (I think it's shown outside the hotel and outside the costume shop.)

Revealing mistake: As Tom Cruise's character is in the morgue to find out about the now dead prostitute who helped him out, the corpse moves.

Revealing mistake: That's the most fake newspaper I've ever seen. It's printed on a heavier weight paper than a real New York newspaper. (02:05:20)


Revealing mistake: Just after Bill consoles the lady for her father's death, he strolls about a New York street late in the evening. One shot has the camera dollying backwards as it follows Bill down the sidewalk, and as it does the camera's own shadow is cast on the sidewalk, just to the left of actor Tom Cruise. But just as interestingly, the angle of the shadow is such that Cruise ought to be casting his own shadow, but there is none. Cruise has been photographed against a process screen, then added to the background in post-production. (00:45:55)

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Alice Harford: When she is having her little titties squeezed, do you think she ever has any fantasies about what handsome Dr. Bill's dickie might be like?

More quotes from Eyes Wide Shut

Trivia: The actor who played Nick Nightingale (Dr. William 'Bill' Harford's medical school dropout friend), played a medical school dropout in "Gross Anatomy" (1989).

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Question: Isn't it common knowledge that Nicole found Tom's mask and put it on his pillow? I always wondered why Tom freaked out so much when he finds it. Is he afraid that Nicole knows where the mask is used? Or that someone else placed it there? And unless I missed something, how come this was never discussed between the two? You'd think Nicole would be asking why he left this in his safe?


Chosen answer: I think someone from the freaky orgy broke in and put the mask on the pillow to warn Cruise's character to keep his mouth shut. That's why Cruise's character is so upset-they got into his home and his safe.

I always assumed that she was a member of the orgy party. She was letting him know that she was there.

No, she wasn't.

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