Alien 3

Plot hole: One alien egg is shown hanging from the wall at the start of this film, yet there's no way it can be there. The queen didn't take any with her from LV426 in 'Aliens', and if she did, she had no opportunity to place them on the Sulaco between exiting the dropship's landing gear, engaging Ripley and being killed.

Continuity mistake: Any shot of the alien which isn't made using a guy in a suit has a green glow around the alien's body but any guy-in-a-suit shots do NOT have a green glow.


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Murphy: What kind of animal would do this to a dog?

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Trivia: The plot of the movie is a combination of two spec scripts written for the film - one was by David Twohy (Riddick) who wrote a script set on a prison planet, and another by Vincent Ward, set on a monastery planet with the same characters and basic plot. Despite this, neither received credit for the screenplay (Although Ward received story credit).

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Question: Is it true that there was going to be a scene at the start of the movie where the Sulaco exploded, and why wasn't it filmed?

Darth Crucible

Answer: According to the Alien 3 Movie Special magazine from 1992, yes, there was a scene where the Sulaco explodes as the EEV pod ejects, damaging the guidance systems. Apparently it was filmed but not included in the final cut.


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