Alien 3

Ripley and Dillon trap the alien in the furnace room.Dillon sacrifices his life to prevent it from escaping and hot lead is poured over the alien.It then runs after Ripley who then turns on the water which kills the alien.The man who created Bishop tries to prevent Ripley from killing herself and the alien queen.Ripley however makes the ultimate sacrifice by jumping into the furnace.In the theatrical version the queen bursts out of her chest but is held back just before they burn.

Matt Barnes

Continuity mistake: Any shot of the alien which isn't made using a guy in a suit has a green glow around the alien's body but any guy-in-a-suit shots do NOT have a green glow.


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Trivia: The film had a notoriously troubled production, with several writers and directors dropping out of the project during development. With a looming release date, sets were built and a crew was assembled before a script was even settled on, and the final draft had to be written around the sets that had already been built. David Fincher, then a popular music video and commercial director, was chosen to helm the film, but he had nonstop creative difficulties with the producers and studios. He has since gone on to disown the film, as he feels it isn't reflective of his vision.

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Question: In the scene where Ripley is describing the new Alien, she says it 'moves different to the other ones'. I could never get a good enough look at the alien to understand what she meant. What did she mean and why does it move differently?

Answer: She means that the alien it moves on 4 legs, whereas the other aliens moved primarily on two legs. This alien came out of a dog in the theatrical version and from an ox in the Assembly cut version, which can only move on 4 legs. This hints to the fact that the alien inherits the characteristics of its host.


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