Alien 3
Alien 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria scene, Ripley gets a square of what looks like cake and pours half a glass of orange juice. When she sits down her glass is full. (00:27:00 - 00:27:50)

Continuity mistake: Any shot of the alien which isn't made using a guy in a suit has a green glow around the alien's body but any guy-in-a-suit shots do NOT have a green glow.


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Andrews: We're 25 prisoners in this facility. All double-Y chromos. All thieves, rapists, murderers, child-molesters. All scum. Just because they have taken on religion doesn't make them any less dangerous. I try not to offend their convictions. I don't want to upset the order. I don't want ripples in the water. And I don't want a woman walking around, giving them ideas.
Ripley: I see. For my own personal safety.
Andrews: Exactly.

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Trivia: The plot of the movie is a combination of two spec scripts written for the film - one was by David Twohy (Riddick) who wrote a script set on a prison planet, and another by Vincent Ward, set on a monastery planet with the same characters and basic plot. Despite this, neither received credit for the screenplay (Although Ward received story credit).

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Question: In the scene where Ripley is describing the new Alien, she says it 'moves different to the other ones'. I could never get a good enough look at the alien to understand what she meant. What did she mean and why does it move differently?

Answer: She means that the alien it moves on 4 legs, whereas the other aliens moved primarily on two legs. This alien came out of a dog in the theatrical version and from an ox in the Assembly cut version, which can only move on 4 legs. This hints to the fact that the alien inherits the characteristics of its host.


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