Alien 3

Audio problem: When Aaron attacks "Bishop II", he yells, "F***in' android.", but the words don't match the movement of his lips. (01:41:45)

Audio problem: Right before the people from the company enter the prison, Jude is being chased by the alien. He yells, "Help me.", but his mouth is wide open and the words don't match the movement of his lips. The same thing happens when he yells, "Please" shortly afterward. (01:31:10)

Continuity mistake: Just after the doctor started the post mortem on that little girl, the front of his gown is covered with blood. Yet, a few seconds later, after the two other guys appear, his gown looks better, with less blood. And during the whole post mortem scene, the blood spot actually changes its size a few times. (00:17:55 - 00:19:55)

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Andrews: We're 25 prisoners in this facility. All double-Y chromos. All thieves, rapists, murderers, child-molesters. All scum. Just because they have taken on religion doesn't make them any less dangerous. I try not to offend their convictions. I don't want to upset the order. I don't want ripples in the water. And I don't want a woman walking around, giving them ideas.
Ripley: I see. For my own personal safety.
Andrews: Exactly.

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Trivia: Originally, the movie was going to be shot by cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth, but Cronenweth suffered Parkinson's Disease midway through filming and was let go by the line producer, being replaced by Alex Thomson. However, impressed by Cronenweth's work, David Fincher later worked with Cronenweth's son Jeff in nearly all of his future movies, resulting in two Academy Award nominations.

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Question: Is it true that there was going to be a scene at the start of the movie where the Sulaco exploded, and why wasn't it filmed?

Darth Crucible

Answer: According to the Alien 3 Movie Special magazine from 1992, yes, there was a scene where the Sulaco explodes as the EEV pod ejects, damaging the guidance systems. Apparently it was filmed but not included in the final cut.


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