Dirty Dancing

Revealing mistake: After Johnny leaves, they show Baby standing on the porch of her family's cabin. If you look in the background you see two people waiting for their cue before they start walking. (01:24:30)

Revealing mistake: In the scene when Johnny realises his keys are locked in his car and goes to kick the pole out of the ground there is a light on top of the pole. Where are the wires for the light?

Revealing mistake: When Johnny and Baby are cruising back from their performance in the black 57 Chev, the shift is in "park" position.

Continuity mistake: In the last dance scene of the movie, Patrick Swayze jumps down from the stage and the hair on his forehead which was completely dry is suddenly very wet and plastered to his head. (01:32:30)

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Penny: Oh, come on, ladies. God wouldn't have given you maracas if He didn't want you to shake 'em.

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Trivia: In the famous scene where Johnny and Baby crawl towards each other on the floor, Swayze and Grey were messing around while warming up to do the real scene, but the director liked it so much he kept it in the film.

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Question: When Johnny takes Baby up to do the final dance, Baby's dad is obviously pretty angry about it and tries to stop him. However, after the dance all is forgiven? All just from the magic of their beautiful dancing?

Answer: It would be improper to cause a scene, plus Robbie admitted to getting Penny pregnant and insulting her, especially it's what made get an abortion and medical complications.

Answer: While he probably was still angry with Johnny for sleeping with Baby, he can see how hard she must have worked to dance so well. Anger is often hard to release. Being a loving father, he is proud of Baby "in the moment" and was more disappointed with her than mad. He likely also grudgingly admires Johnny for having the courage to stand up for her.


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