Dirty Dancing

Factual error: In the scene when Baby is changing her clothes in the back of Johnny's car the lights and shadows in the car are moving in the wrong direction. (00:49:30)

Factual error: After the part where they were at breakfast and discussing the idea of leaving early, you can overhear the radio and the announcer says, "Oh, those Mets! What a team! Finally broke their 22 game losing streak!" The longest losing streak for the New York Mets is currently only 17 games, which was in 1962, a year before the setting of the movie. (01:00:33)

Ken Milota

Factual error: Notice Baby's white Keds shoes with the blue emblem on the back of them. That specific style of Keds didn't come out until the 80s.

Audio problem: When Penny and Johnny are teaching Baby their dance routine, Penny puts on a record. Look closely and you can see that Penny moves the arm to place it on the record, then she takes it away, even though the music is still playing. Even if it's a directorial device for us to hear different music than they do, it's still a mistake because she's not actually playing the record, meaning there isn't any music for them to dance to. (00:36:35)

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Baby: Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you.

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Trivia: The clothes that Baby and Johnny wear contrast. Johnny is always in dark clothing while Baby is always wearing light colours.


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Answer: It is implied that she was.


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