Dirty Dancing

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Ending / spoiler

(15 votes)

Johnny gets fired because he was dating a guest (Baby). Then at the closing ceremonies he returns and dirty dances with Baby. Baby's father accepts their new relationship and everyone ends up happy.


Audio problem: When Penny and Johnny are teaching Baby their dance routine, Penny puts on a record. Look closely and you can see that Penny moves the arm to place it on the record, then she takes it away, even though the music is still playing. Even if it's a directorial device for us to hear different music than they do, it's still a mistake because she's not actually playing the record, meaning there isn't any music for them to dance to. (00:36:35)

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Penny: Oh, come on, ladies. God wouldn't have given you maracas if He didn't want you to shake 'em.

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Trivia: In the scene where Johnny and Baby practice dancing, and she keeps laughing when he runs his arm down hers, it was not part of the scene, she was actually laughing and his frustration was genuine. They left it in the movie because it was effective. Baby falling over in this scene was unplanned too.

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Question: When Baby helps Penny out by dancing with Johnny at the Sheldrake hotel, it is stated that it is Thursday night (when Penny has the abortion). At breakfast the next day Baby's dad says they are leaving tomorrow, even though they are paid up til Sunday. Thursday night is the first night that Baby and Johnny sleep together, yet they seem to be seeing each other for ages before Johnny even gets sacked, let alone the time that's past when he comes back. I don't see how all of this be squeezed into 2 days?

Answer: The father says they're leaving the next day, but when the mother asks why, he realizes he'd need to explain what happened, so he decides not to leave, and they stay for the rest of the trip as originally planned.

Answer: They were there for 3 weeks, so they had been together for at least 2 weeks.

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