Diamonds Are Forever

Continuity mistake: When Bond escapes from the Willard Whyte facility in the desert in the moon buggy, a car that is chasing him goes over a ridge and turns on its side, as the buggy speeds by. A wheel rolls back into the shot, all on its own. It doesn't belong to the car or the three-wheelers also chasing, but looks like it belongs to the buggy, which has its full complement of wheels all through the scene.

Continuity mistake: After fighting off Bambi and Thumper and dunking the girls in the swimming pool, Bond is dripping wet. A few shots later, when Bond and the men walk down the stairs to the door, Bond is bone dry. Then, when he walks into the room, he is all wet again.

Diamonds Are Forever mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the car chase scene through Las Vegas, you can see the crowds lining the streets to watch the filming, yet in some of the street scenes there are no crowds.

Continuity mistake: When Bond climbs the Whyte House to get to Willard Whyte, he climbs a large overhanging structure, leaning out over the main part of the building. But in the previous day shots of the Whyte House there is no such structure to be seen.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: In the opening sequence when Bond runs over and pulls the chain to release mud onto the guy rising up to shoot him, mud clearly splatters all over him as he dives to the floor. When he gets up, his suit is spotless.

Continuity mistake: When the car chase enters a car park there is a blue car in the bottom left corner (from the overhead shot), next to the trailer which Bond makes his escape over. After Bond escapes the car is white (I think) and may also be pointing the opposite direction.

Continuity mistake: In the battle scene on the oil rig, Bond takes takes control of the crane attached to Blofeld's bathosub. During this sequence the folding window at the front of the crane cab switches between the raised and lowered position several times. (01:47:53)

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Tiffany are having their dinner on the cruise liner, Bond makes comments about the wine and you can see behind him there is a liquor bottle on the food cart with a large white label facing the camera. When Bond is being strangled by Mr Wint and reaches for the bottle to smash and throw the contents at Mr Kidd, the bottle is turned and the label is facing away from the camera.

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene Bond smashes the giant light on top of Blofield and he falls across the table, but in the very next scene when Bond fastens the strap, Blofield is lying horizontal to it. This is a continuous scene.

Continuity mistake: When Bond shoots a Blofeld look-alike, he falls onto the couch, but in the next shot he's on the floor. He couldn't have rolled off the couch, because he's on his back on both the ouch and the floor, and we don't hear him hit the floor.


Continuity mistake: When the policemen are removing the body of Mrs. Whistler from the chanel in Amsterdam, one of them holds her by the bottom of her coat but the shot later, he holds her higher.

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: At one part Bond is talking on the phone. He is wearing a pink tie that goes to the second button on his shirt. Then in the next scene before he meets up with Thumper, his tie is longer.

Continuity mistake: The diamonds weigh 50,000 carats - which is 10 kg. Nevertheless the toy dog is several times lifted by different persons by only one hand (for example when it is picked down from the shelf in the Circus). They must have incredibly strong wrists.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Bond releases the red weather balloon from the oil rig and it is spotted by the guys in the helicopter you can see a desert/land background behind the helicopter despite it supposedly flying over the sea close to the oil rig.

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film, when Ms. Case is on Blofeld's oil rig in the control room, her butt crack is seen at the top of her bikini. A shot later, it is hidden.

Continuity mistake: When Bond arrives at Tiffany's home in Amsterdam, he rings her doorbell. It's shown that she's living on the 4th floor (T. Case), but through the speaker-system she tells Bond to come upstairs to the 3rd floor.

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Suggested correction: Although her outside indicator does say "4", it's possible that unit 4 could be located on the 3rd floor.

What we in the US call the second floor is the first floor in Europe. So a US fourth floor is a European third floor.


Definitely not everywhere in Europe. In the Nordic countries, for example, the first floor's the first floor.

Jukka Nurmi

True, but this scene takes place in the Netherlands where floors are numbered Ground, First, Second etc. So, not a Nordic country.

Diamonds Are Forever mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Kidd tries to kill James with the flaming shish-kabobs he is wearing gloves, which weren't there immediatly before.

Continuity mistake: As the oil rig is attacked, a large chopper and a small one are blown to bits. There were only two large ones but the one that was blown up briefly reappears as the choppers do a U-turn.

Continuity mistake: When Tiffany Case takes Bond's drink to put ice in it and check his fingerprints, when she gives Bond the drink back it has no ice when he smells the chemical on the glass.

Continuity mistake: When Bond escapes from the Willard Whyte facility in the desert in the moon buggy, a car that is chasing him goes over a ridge and turns on its side, as the buggy speeds by. A wheel rolls back into the shot, all on its own. It doesn't belong to the car or the three-wheelers also chasing, but looks like it belongs to the buggy, which has its full complement of wheels all through the scene.

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Plenty: Hi, I'm Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Plenty: Plenty O'Toole.
James Bond: Named after your father, perhaps?

More quotes from Diamonds Are Forever
More trivia for Diamonds Are Forever

Question: Why does the archvillain Ernst Blofeld want to eliminate the diamond smugglers (including Tiffany Chase) via his two assassins?


Chosen answer: Blofeld and Spectre has enough diamonds for the laser he is building to hold the Earth hostage. In typical Spectre fashion, since he is finished with the operation, he wants to leave no loose ends that could tie Spectre into the mix.

Zwn Annwn

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