Diamonds Are Forever

Continuity mistake: When Bond is fighting Peter Franks outside of Tiffany's apartment, Franks swings a crowbar at Bond. Bond then kicks Franks and the crowbar falls out of Franks' hand. When Bond begins squirting the fire extinguisher at Franks, the crowbar is back in Franks' hand again.

Continuity mistake: During the final fight scene with Bond and Mr. Wint, Bond ties a bomb on Mr. Wint's coat-tails. When Bond hoists Mr. Wint overboard in the next shot, the bomb has disappeared.

Continuity mistake: After Bond pulls the chain near the mudbath, the mud falls down as a thin stream. In the next shot, it's much thicker. (00:02:40)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bond comes aboard the oil rig, Blofeld says "How disappointing." whilst Tiffany can be seen on a sun lounger in the background. Towards the end of this shot, she raises her right arm to her sunglasses. In the very next shot of her (closer up), she raises her arm again.

Continuity mistake: When we first see Mrs Whistler's body being pulled out of the water, her front is towards the boat. In the next clip, her back is towards the boat.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Plenty offers to help Bond with the game, behind them is a man in a yellow shirt and a man in a brown coat and green shirt. However in the next clip there is a lady in a pink dress instead of the man in the yellow shirt. She was nowhere to be seen half a second earlier.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Blofeld is watching Bond and Plenty in the casino on the surveillance camera, on the screen a man in a dark shirt can be seen on Bond's right side. But in the next clip (and in the preceding clip) a little lady in a white dress is standing on Bond's right side.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Bond first sprays foam on Franks he hits his left shoulder, but in the next clip there is only foam on his head and nothing on his shoulder.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: Shady Tree is standing over the coffin talking down into it when it opens. However in the next clip he is standing much further away - and lower - and not in a position to look down into it that way.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Frank's is lying dead on the floor he has foam in his hair, but when Bond drags him into the flat, he has foam only on his face and nothing in the hair.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: Tiffany is wearing a red and purple bikini top cover on the oil rig. But in the last oil rig scene where she shoots the machine gun from the tread of the crane and falls off the rig, her top changes color to brown and red. No purple at all.

Continuity mistake: When Bond, in the casino, takes the envelope out of his pocket, he holds it with his right hand, with his fingers close to the upper end of the envelope. However, in the next clip he is holding it much further down and with his fingers in a different position.

Jacob La Cour

Revealing mistake: Bond escapes from the buried pipeline when two technicians open a hatch from the outside. One tech unlocks the hatch by rotating a large wheel, which drives the locking mechanism. But when he finally opens the hatch, there's absolutely no mechanism attached. There's just a bare axle that the wheel turns on.

More mistakes in Diamonds Are Forever

Plenty: Hi, I'm Plenty.
James Bond: But of course you are.
Plenty: Plenty O'Toole.
James Bond: Named after your father, perhaps?

More quotes from Diamonds Are Forever

Trivia: The actor who played the real Willard White (not a Blofeld copy) is Jimmy Dean, of Breakfast Sausage fame.

Mark English

More trivia for Diamonds Are Forever

Question: Why does the archvillain Ernst Blofeld want to eliminate the diamond smugglers (including Tiffany Chase) via his two assassins?


Chosen answer: Blofeld and Spectre has enough diamonds for the laser he is building to hold the Earth hostage. In typical Spectre fashion, since he is finished with the operation, he wants to leave no loose ends that could tie Spectre into the mix.

Zwn Annwn

More questions & answers from Diamonds Are Forever

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