Johnny English

Johnny English (2003)

48 mistakes

(7 votes)

Johnny English mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Johnny interrupts the wrong funeral, and Bough saves the day with his 'loony' spiel, Bough takes Johnny's gun and helps him off the coffin. The gun disappears from Bough's hand between shots. (00:28:40)


Continuity mistake: When Pascal's henchmen infiltrate Buckingham Palace, and force the Queen to abdicate, if you look very closely on the abdication document it is dated the twentieth of March 2003. Yet in an earlier scene where Johnny English is photographed by the speed camera that has the date 21/03/03, obviously the abdication was filmed before the car chase, and therefore the dates get mixed up.

Other mistake: In the chase scene, where Johnny and Bough are chasing the hearse, when Bough and Johnny are discussing where the hearse went, Johnny says "They were heading south." Then he turns the steering wheel to his right, yet when it shows a view of the truck it turns to it's left. (00:22:15)

Factual error: When Johnny and Lorna are in the sushi bar, Lorna says 'cheers' in Japanese to Johnny before drinking Japanese sake. (An English subtitle is displayed). Johnny, obviously not knowing what he is saying replies in Japanese, and an English subtitle is displayed saying 'may all of your daughters be born with three bottoms'. The actual translation for what he says is 'May all of your daughters be born with a small penis'. (Not that any normal person would notice) (00:36:15)

Johnny English mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Natalie Imbruglia and Rowan Atkinson are trying to enter John Malkovich's "chateau", when Natalie is climbing a ladder a tattoo is visible on her lower back. Later, when Pascal Sauvage (Malkovich) is being crowned, Natalie is fighting a sniper on the upper-level of the church. When the sniper pushes her away, the stunt double for Natalie falls to the floor and the tattoo is missing.

Johnny English mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the start of the hearse chase, when we first see the bad guys pull a hand-brake turn through 90 degrees in a small London side-street, if you look on the ground you can see the skid marks from what must have been the previous take.

Factual error: When Johnny lands in the hospital instead of Sauvage's headquarters, there is a sign behind him which uses the American spelling of "Orthopedics" instead of the British "Orthopaedics."

Continuity mistake: When the DVD is put on during the coronation sequence, Johnny is holding the toothbrushes red above blue, while pretending to play the guitar. When the camera goes back to him, before he starts singing, the brushes have changed positions.

Johnny English mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The first time the film of Johnny in the mirror is shown, look at the toothpaste in the bottom right corner. First you see the Aquafresh, then it cuts to Sauvage, and when it cuts back the toothpaste tube has moved. Then it cuts away and back again, and the toothbrush has moved in front of it.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Johnny is in Sauvage's palace and drops down to take Sauvage prisoner, when the guards appear behind him the screen changes to Sauvage, and then back to Johnny, the guards have changed positions.

Other mistake: When Johnny and Bough swap places in the truck, the truck continues to accelerate smoothly.


Continuity mistake: At the start of the car chase scene with the hearse and lorry, the hearse comes crashing through the garage door, and onto the road. After that follows English and Bough, and then a motorbike pulls up. It is red, but in the next shot, it is Lorna Campbell's pink bike.

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the garage shortly before Johnny is about to "strike like a coiled viper" he talks to Bough via his wrist walkie talkie - only he talks into his RIGHT wrist while the walkie talkie is on his left.

Other mistake: When Sauvage welcomes everybody to the meeting, he says "mesdammes et messieurs". On the subtitles, "et" is incorrectly spelled "est".


Revealing mistake: When Johnny enters Sauvage's party, after he broke into his building, a waiter gives him a glass of champagne, which he drops. When a second glass is given to him, the pre-made crack on the paw of the glass is visible, prior to Johnny breaking that glass. (00:50:05)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Johnny English goes down the hole, there is a shot from within the hole of him getting in. He has only put one leg in. However, in the very next shot he is halfway through to having his entire body in the hole.

Factual error: At the end of the film, after Johnny has foiled Sauvage's plot and the Queen has been restored, a news announcer says that Sauvage has been charged with high treason, which still carries the death penalty. Assuming the film is set in 2003, this is incorrect since the death penalty in Britain was abolished for all crimes, including treason, by the Crime and Disorder Act passed by Parliament in 1998.

Johnny English mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Johnny interrupts the funeral, he speaks to an old white woman but in the next shot, he is in front of a black woman. (00:26:45)

Dr Wilson

Continuity mistake: When Johnny ejects Lorna Campbell from the car, then lands in the pool, you see Bough specifically uncross his legs and reach for his sunglasses, then when Lorna lifts her head from under the water you can see Bough repeat these actions in exactly the same way.

Funeral Officer: Everything in order, English?
Johnny English: I think you'll find it's rather more than just "in order", sir. You are now entering the most secure location in the whole of England. [Explosion.]

More quotes from Johnny English

Trivia: During the coronation sequence at the end of the film, Johnny English shouts "Play it, Bough! Play the disk!" and we cut to Bough threatening a man to play the DVD. The man he threatens is the film's director, Peter Howitt.

More trivia for Johnny English

Question: At the very end of the movie, when Lorna is ejected from the car and lands in the pool, the man that has frizzy orange hair, that Johnny claimed was an assailant earlier in the movie, is looking over his newspaper. Who played that guy?

Answer: Simon Bernstein played the assailant.


Answer: Simon Bernstein plays the assailant.

More questions & answers from Johnny English

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