
Copland (1997)

4 corrected entries

(5 votes)

Corrected entry: When Sylvester Stallone is asked why he couldn't join the NYPD, he points at his left ear and says it was because of deafness...but his deaf ear was the right.

Correction: He used his left hand to point to his head generally to indicate deafness, not specifically to his left ear.


Corrected entry: In a scene between Liotta and Stallone on the front porch, Liotta deliberately lays his beer can on its side on the porch railing. In the next scene it is standing upright.

Correction: The can is upright because Liotta puts it upright himself on camera.

Corrected entry: Midway through the film a character speaks to Stallone from the back of his squad car and then gets up and leaves. I thought you couldn't open the back door of a police car from the inside.

Correction: The guy in the back is also a cop and would know that so just didn't close the door when he got in.


Corrected entry: In the flashback scene where the young Freddy is in the submerged car, he uses the side of his head to smash the window from inside, but the glass breaks just before he hits it for the last time.

Correction: In the DVD version we don't see the glass break and I see nothing else unusual about this scene.


Continuity mistake: In one of the scenes, Sheriff Heflin is playing a record, and the music we hear is a song by Springsteen. However, the record doesn't have the red Columbia Records label that all of Springsteen's albums have. They obviously decided to use Springsteen's song later.

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Ray Donlan: You know the difference between men and boys? Boys bet everything on everything! Boys think every hand is a royal flush! You play cards with a man, he knows his limits.

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Trivia: In the trailer, there is a scene in which a purple Geo Tracker is doing a 180 degree turn. This scene is not in the film.

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Question: Did Ray set up the killing of Joey Randone because of what he saw them do, or was it just luck on Ray's part that he was attacked and left hanging from a TV aerial to then plunge to his death, and this is why he stalled for time with the door lock?


Answer: I would think this would just have been random luck. There is no way you can just pay some random criminal to find and single out Joey and his partner to attack. With all the cops on patrol anyone of them could have responded to that call, so that was just pure luck that Joey and his partner encountered the criminal that threw him to his death on the roof.

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