
Copland (1997)


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Moe Tilden: That cupcake makes a mess and we got a case again.

Ray Donlan: You know the difference between men and boys? Boys bet everything on everything! Boys think every hand is a royal flush! You play cards with a man, he knows his limits.

Moe Tilden: Can't do anything now! Hands are tied now.

Gary "Figgsy" Figgis: Listen to me, I got a check in my pocket for $200,000. I got a chance to start my life again. I don't give a shit about this town, I don't give a shit about that town and I don't give a shit about your fucking justice. Bein' right is not a bulletproof vest, Freddy.

Moe Tilden: I gave you a chance to be a cop and you blew it.

Frank LaGunda: You're gonna be hurtin', Freddy. You're not gonna know when, you're not gonna know where. You're gonna be hurtin'. You mark my words - I'm watchin' you.

Figgs: Look Freddy, I say it's okay to be jealous. You save this girl's life, right? From it, from risking yourself, from saving her sorry ass, you go deaf as a result.
Sheriff Freddy Heflin: In one ear.
Figgs: In one ear. Then you have to watch this girl you saved, this beauty queen, marries this cocksucker.

Sheriff Freddy Heflin: I look at this town, and I don't like what I see.

Liz Randone: Why is it that you never got married Freddy?
Freddy Heflin: All the best girls were taken.

Moe Tilden: The case is closed, finished, over! Go to lunch! Go! Hey, go to lunch. Go to lunch! The case is closed. Everybody, get the fuck outta here. Get outta here! The case is fucking closed.

Figgs: Shut the fuck up, would ya, please? Sh - fuck.

Continuity mistake: In one of the scenes, Sheriff Heflin is playing a record, and the music we hear is a song by Springsteen. However, the record doesn't have the red Columbia Records label that all of Springsteen's albums have. They obviously decided to use Springsteen's song later.

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Trivia: In the trailer, there is a scene in which a purple Geo Tracker is doing a 180 degree turn. This scene is not in the film.

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Question: Harvey Keitel was supposed to have been a highly respected veteran officer with the NYPD with connections within the department and other agencies as stated in the movie. With all that power and connections, it puzzles me why his character is still a patrol officer working beat shifts as shown in the scene when he intentionally let Joey fall to his death on the roof. He shows up in uniform in a patrol car with his other crooked partner responding to the call.

Answer: Being a higher-up not only means more responsibility, but also closer scrutiny. As a low-level beat cop, it allows Donlan a lesser profile, greater mobility out on the street, to be at crime scenes without suspicion, and he can more easily and covertly interact with his criminal accomplices and contacts. Being tied to an office would be a hindrance; he can wield his corrupt power more effectively this way.


Actually, Donlan is a Lieutenant, which is a pretty high rank.

Answer: Yes that's correct but in actuality it's highly unlikely a veteran officer would stay in patrol their entire career, crooked cop or not, unless they work for a very small department and there are no opportunities to move up.

Yes, in the real world, it is indeed highly unlikely he would spend his entire career on patrol. For the purpose of the movie, it serves the plot to have the Donlan character written as a mobile beat cop for the reasons stated. It also allows for more action and sets up the final confrontation between Stallone and the crooked cops. Movies just do not reflect reality.


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