Child's Play

Child's Play (1988)

82 mistakes

(8 votes)

Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen brings Chucky to her apartment, she forces that he talks and he doesn't, so Karen goes to the kitchen for a glass of water, and as she walks to the kitchen you can see the TV in the lounge with nothing on top of it. Yet moments later, when Karen threatens to throw Chucky into the fireplace, there are books/videos/papers on top of the TV. (00:42:10 - 00:45:00)


Continuity mistake: At the end, when Andy's mom shoots Chucky for the first time, it doesn't really faze him; he just keeps walking. But in the bedroom, when she shoots him through the heart, the bullet impact causes him to fly several feet through the air.

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Suggested correction: Because shooting him in the heart is the only way to kill him, also when Mike Norris shot him he got sent flying, but when his body parts get shot off he still walks.

It has to be a human heart in order for him to die, that's what the man told Karen.

Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the police station Andy tries to make Chucky talk. He shakes him about, so that his hair gets all messy and sticks up. Yet when it cuts Chucky's hair is neat and combed. (00:40:35)


Continuity mistake: When Andy is making his mum breakfast in bed, he takes some burnt toast out of the toaster and puts it onto a plate. He then scoops out a big lump of butter and puts it on the toast, and he then places the spoon onto the counter. In the next shot as he takes the tray away from the counter, the spoon has now jumped into the butter pot. (00:08:15)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Chucky stabs the voodoo doll, the black ribbon tied around the doll is different between the two shots in which he stabs it. The material is different, the way it's tied, and the position it lays too. (01:02:00)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Andy has been taken away from Karen for a few days, Karen returns to her apartment with Chucky and demands the doll to speak. After Chucky remains silent, Karen removes her jacket and places it on the couch where it sits in a neat pile. Yet later when Karen returns to the lounge, the jacket is now positioned so half of it hangs over the back of the couch. (00:42:00 - 00:43:10)


Revealing mistake: When Chucky follows Andy home and drops from the chimney and kicks the cover off, its obvious that this isn't Chucky and its a real person dressed as Chucky.

Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen throws Chucky across the room after he attacked her, she backs toward the wall and next to her is a fireplace set with four utensils in it (e.g. metal rod/poker/spade etc.) But in the next shot there are only two utensils in the set. (00:45:30)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen struggles to keep the door shut, as Chucky tries to pull it open, Chucky stabs his knife through the door, cutting Karen's hand. Between shots the hole made by the knife gets mysteriously longer, and all the holes Chucky makes in the door seem to change shape/size/location. Also, when Chucky stabs through the door, cutting Karen, a small stain of blood is left on the door. Between three consecutive shots the blood is there, then disappears then reappears. (01:17:45)


Plot hole: How would little Andy know how to get from the mental hospital to his house all alone?

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Suggested correction: Maybe he asked around or took the bus. If he can get to Eddie's with Chucky's help, then this probably wouldn't be a problem for him, or he just ran around until he saw it. Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it's a plot hole.

Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen walks into Andy's room and asks "Who are you talking to", the blue cover on Andy's bed lays only halfway down his bed. It then cuts to Andy, who says "Chucky", and now the blue cover is pulled all the way up the bed, covering the pillows. The wooden beside cabinet that sits to the right of the bed, is about a foot away from the bed. When it cuts to Andy saying "Chucky", the cabinet now sits right next to his bed. The lamp and jar of marbles that sit on top of the cabinet also move between these shots. (00:29:55)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky talks to John, as he stands on the counter, sometimes there are two red buttons on the top of his dungarees, sometimes there isn't. They appear/disappear throughout the scene. (00:59:25 - 01:00:25)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky talks to John, he sits on a counter talking to him, and there is a cupboard to the left of the window above the counter, and the cupboard doors are closed. Yet later when Chucky stands up, he stands near the cupboard and says "You got me into this, you get me out!", and you can see behind him the cupboard door is now wide open. Also, to the right of the window are three pots/jugs. These change position between two shots, and one of the pots disappears. (00:59:20 - 01:00:20)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Good Guys Doll advert is playing on the Barclay's TV, in wideshots there is a box on top of the TV, yet in closeups of the TV the top of the TV has nothing on it. (00:06:35 - 00:08:25)


Continuity mistake: In Karen's bedroom, when Chucky is shot in the leg he flies near the window, and there is a dresser table right beside the window. But minutes earlier, when Mike entered the room and the camera panned around the room, the dresser table was a couple of feet away from the window. (01:13:30 - 01:14:15)


Continuity mistake: As Maggie hears a noise as she's about to clean up the flour, she lowers the yellow-handled broom to the floor. It cuts, and you can see the yellow handle back up under Maggie's arm. (00:22:50)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy takes Chucky to Eddie Caputo's home, Andy stops off for a tinkle, putting Chucky on a rocking chair. We then see a view of Eddie Caputo's home, and there are wooden items and various junk lying around near the bottom of his front steps and yard. Yet seconds later when the camera pans up to the front stairs as if it's in the POV of Chucky running, nearly all the items have disappered. (00:35:50)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Detective Morris saves Karen from the peddler, Morris walks away, and Karen grabs him and says "Goddamn it, my son's life is at stake! What was it?", and Karens handbag strap which is hanging over her left shoulder, falls all the way down her arm. Yet when it cuts to a back shot, the strap is back over her shoulder. (00:50:55)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy makes his Mum breakfast, he pours the cereal and then puts the box down so we can see the front of the box. Then as he pours the milk, it cuts to the TV, then cuts back and he is still pouring, yet now we see the back of the cereal box, and the sugar pot that was right beside the cereal box has now moved to being beside the other pot. (00:07:15)


More quotes from Child's Play

Trivia: The real name of Chucky is Charles Lee Ray, which is derived from three well known real life killers - Charles Manson, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray.

More trivia for Child's Play

Question: When Chucky pops out to surprise Andy in his apartment towards the end (while Andy is still holding the bat), what does Chucky say?

Answer: When he jumps out, he screams a generic "Ahhh!" and then quickly shouts "Surprise!"


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