Child's Play

Other mistake: The Good Guy dolls are said to be manufactured by the Play Pals toy company. Later, when Karen picks up the box that Chucky came in, on the bottom left corner of the box are the words Play Partners Toys.

Other mistake: Being struck on the forehead with a toy hammer would not cause someone to be knocked off balance to the point that they are flying backwards the 15-20 feet or so we see with Maggie.


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Suggested correction: Yet, Chucky hit her pretty hard and she lost her footing.

Other mistake: In the scene where Maggie is carrying Chucky into Andy's room with Andy, you can see the arm of the doll has popped out of it's socket in one shot, as the material of the shirt is stretched far beyond it should be. It is back to normal in all other shots.

Other mistake: When Charles enters the toy store, he shoots the the lock and misses, however the door opens right away.


Other mistake: Chucky emerges from the fireplace, engulfed in flames, walks to the couch and is seen crawling on the couch before falling to the floor and burning on the floor. And yet nothing else catches fire, and the few tiny flames that do drop, like on the corner of the wooden table, don't spread and put themselves out.


Other mistake: When Karen is fighting Chucky for the first time, she's holding him, but also pushing him away. At one point he's about arm's length away and she moves her hands so she's not holding him and he's not holding her, but he doesn't fall. In the next shot, his legs are up against Karen's body.


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy pours the cereal, and then the milk, there is cereal on the counter, to the left of the bowl. There is loads of cereal on the counter, then when Andy puts the burnt toast onto a plate, there is much less cereal. Then when he takes the tray from the counter, there's now loads of cereal on it. (00:07:25 - 00:08:15)


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Karen Barclay: I said talk to me, damn it. Or else I'll throw you in the fire.
Chucky: You stupid bitch! You filthy slut! I'll teach you to fuck with me!

More quotes from Child's Play

Trivia: When Chucky is running behind Maggie, many children and child relatives of cast and crew were filmed doing the run while dressed up as Chucky, including Alex Vincent's younger sister, since it would have been impossible for the animatronic Chucky to run across screen like that. However, it is unknown which child ultimately was used in the final cut.

More trivia for Child's Play

Question: When Chucky confronts John, he say he "prepared" for it, meaning he made the voodoo doll himself, but then he says John shouldn't tell people where he hides them. Was this a mistake during production?


Chosen answer: This isn't a mistake. John made the voodoo doll himself. When Chucky said he was "prepared" for it, he meant that he was prepared to do whatever it takes to get information from John about his being wounded. Even killing him as we see.

More questions & answers from Child's Play

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