Child's Play

Revealing mistake: When Chucky follows Andy home and drops from the chimney and kicks the cover off, its obvious that this isn't Chucky and its a real person dressed as Chucky.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Andy's aunt is sitting on the couch and Chucky runs by, look closely, you can see it's not Chucky but it is a person. (00:19:35)

Revealing mistake: When Mike is in the car being attacked by Chucky, after he hits a metal can and makes sparks, he swerves violently in the road, and on the road you can see several pairs of dark skidmarks in the exact same place as he swerves, obviously from previous takes. (00:55:15)


Revealing mistake: Look very closely at the way Maggie is knocked backwards after being struck with the hammer. It seems as if she is deliberately throwing herself backwards, which also means they may have used reversed footage.


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy pours the cereal, and then the milk, there is cereal on the counter, to the left of the bowl. There is loads of cereal on the counter, then when Andy puts the burnt toast onto a plate, there is much less cereal. Then when he takes the tray from the counter, there's now loads of cereal on it. (00:07:25 - 00:08:15)


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Chucky: We're friends 'til the end, remember?
Andy: This is the end, friend.

More quotes from Child's Play

Trivia: The real name of Chucky is Charles Lee Ray, which is derived from three well known real life killers - Charles Manson, Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray.

More trivia for Child's Play

Question: Why was the film banned in Ireland?

Answer: Both "Child's Play" and its sequels were banned in several European countries after the murder of 2-year old James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993 by two ten-year olds. Some people felt that the killing was done in a way very similar to how Chucky is disposed of in "Child's Play 3", and blamed the whole thing on violent movies, causing bans from several governments. Interestingly enough, the UK never officially banned these movies, but most video rentals refused to carry it.


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