Bring it On

Continuity mistake: One of the male cheerleaders is in the back of the car with the newest member of the squad with his arm behind her head. Then there's a quick edit and his arm is suddenly at his side mid-sentence.

Plot hole: Check out the final routine at the end of the movie for the Clovers. Watching carefully, approximately 20 seconds into the routine you will see two girls on the left hand side running face to face into each other. If this had been a proper competition they would have lost because it was a major error in the routine.

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Aaron: You're a great cheerleader, Tor, and you're cute as hell. Maybe you're just not "captain" material.

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Trivia: Not a mistake, just something interesting I noticed. The cheerleader from the Clovers, the feisty short one, is a member of the singing group Blaque, who also sings the main soundtrack song. The other two members of the group feature too.

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Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?

Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?

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