Bring it On

Revealing mistake: During the montage when Torrance is talking about how they are going to have to practice longer and harder they show the squad attempting to do a Wolf Wall again. But you can tell that it is the same scene as the beginning, because all the people are wearing the same clothes and you can even see Carver, the girl who broke her leg, standing there next to Torrance. (01:01:04)

Revealing mistake: At the start of the movie, when Torrance wakes up from having the dream where she is nude, her hair is all perfect and neat as if it has just been brushed although she has been asleep all night.

Revealing mistake: When Sparky teaches them the routine, he gets mad, picks up a stool, and smashes it on the floor. You can see (at the bottom of the screen) the top fly off the stool before it touches the ground, which shows that it wasn't glued or screwed together in the first place.

Continuity mistake: In the tryouts scene, the stripper's top suddenly changes between when she leans in towards Torrance and when she crawls across the table. [This is because in the extended version of the scene, she takes off the top to reveal she is wearing an even more revealing one under the first. Still a mistake, but there's the explanation.]

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Football Announcer: Our next defeat is scheduled for next Friday, 8 o'clock.

More quotes from Bring it On

Trivia: Not a mistake, just something interesting I noticed. The cheerleader from the Clovers, the feisty short one, is a member of the singing group Blaque, who also sings the main soundtrack song. The other two members of the group feature too.

More trivia for Bring it On

Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?

Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?

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