Bring it On

Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?

Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?

Question: There was a flash back to cheerleader camp. Big red was there. Why would she be there? She was a graduating senior. She shouldn't be there since she was a senior. Once they graduated they don't go to the summer camps for the next year.

Answer: Kirsten Dunst states that the incident happened last summer. Big Red would have been between her junior and senior year at that point.

Question: What is the chant the Toros say after the other cheerleading team tells them they suck during the football game?

Answer: If you're referring to the scene I think you are, the chant is "That's alright, that's OK, you're gonna pump our gas someday!"


Question: What is the age difference between Missy and her brother Cliff?

Answer: I believe that Missy is a Junior (16-17) and Cliff is a Senior (17-18).


Answer: No, the TV interviewer calls her a senior. They're the same age.

Brian Katcher

Question: Usually pep rallies are held during school. Why are the clovers holding a pep rally at night?

Answer: Some schools hold pep rallies at night for bigger games. My school had their homecoming pep rally at night.

Question: If Missy just moved to area and knew nothing about cheerleading, how had she seen (and recognized) that the routine was a rip-off from another school?

Answer: She said she saw them when watching football games, when they played her school.

Brian Katcher

Answer: She recognized the routine as one that was performed by the East Compton Clovers in L.A. She may not know much about cheerleading but that does not mean she hadn't previously seen them perform at a game.


Character mistake: When Missy is at her audition, Courtney and Whitney get annoyed and tell her to do a sequence, (front handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring, full twisting layout). However, when Missy starts the sequence, she starts with a cartwheel instead of a front handspring.

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Isis: You wanna make it right? Then when you go to Nationals... bring it. Don't slack off because you feel sorry for us. That way, when we beat you, we'll know it's because we're better.
Torrance Shipman: Oh, I'll bring it. Don't worry.
Isis: I never do.

More quotes from Bring it On

Trivia: When Torrence, Les, Missy, and Jan are driving in Les' car after picking Missy up, watch Les. He is constantly looking in his rearview mirror. This is because there is a cop car pulling someone over behind them. (00:26:20)

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