Bring it On

Audio problem: During the flashback when Torrence is at the summer camp, she purposely drops the spirit stick on the ground as a dare. When it hits it makes the sound of wood hitting concrete, but it's really a soft object hitting carpet. [The spirit stick is not soft, and the floor at camp is probably little more than thin carpet over concrete. The first spirit stick shown is made of wood and the second one (that Missy gets) is made of plastic.] [You can see the stick bend and buckle. Obvious audio over-dubbing to highlight the moment.]

Timothy Conard

Continuity mistake: In the tryouts scene, the stripper's top suddenly changes between when she leans in towards Torrance and when she crawls across the table. [This is because in the extended version of the scene, she takes off the top to reveal she is wearing an even more revealing one under the first. Still a mistake, but there's the explanation.]

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Isis: You wanna make it right? Then when you go to Nationals... bring it. Don't slack off because you feel sorry for us. That way, when we beat you, we'll know it's because we're better.
Torrance Shipman: Oh, I'll bring it. Don't worry.
Isis: I never do.

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Trivia: When Torrence, Les, Missy, and Jan are driving in Les' car after picking Missy up, watch Les. He is constantly looking in his rearview mirror. This is because there is a cop car pulling someone over behind them. (00:26:20)

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Question: What is the age difference between Missy and her brother Cliff?

Answer: I believe that Missy is a Junior (16-17) and Cliff is a Senior (17-18).


Answer: No, the TV interviewer calls her a senior. They're the same age.

Brian Katcher

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