Blade Runner

Continuity mistake: At Sebastian's place, when Roy kisses Pris on the nose, the powder covering her face and her nose transfers from Pris to Roy, so now Pris's nose is void of powder, but a few seconds later, the powder returns.


Blade Runner mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Roy kills Tyrell, he says "Nothing the god of Bio-Mechanics wouldn't let you into heaven for." A drop of sweat begins to hang down off Roy's nose, about to fall. The camera changes angles and suddenly the drop has vanished. (01:25:35)

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Blade Runner mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Deckard is setting up the VK to test Rachel, one shot shows him adjusting the eye piece with his thumb as she asks if she can smoke. The view from behind his hand shows his thumb up towards the top of the eye piece. But then the film cuts to a view of the other side and Deckard's thumb is now towards the middle of the eye piece. (00:19:55)

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Continuity mistake: The Asian chef calls Deckard over to order his food once a seat becomes available. There is a guy in a yellow shirt sitting next to the open seat. A blue bottle of some sorts is right next to this guy's arm. When Deckard comes over, the blue bottle has vanished. It appears again once Deckard sits down to his left by the yellow guy's arm. And then after the chef gives Deckard his food, the blue bottle is suddenly on Deckard's right. (00:09:05)

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Blade Runner mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While waiting in the rain for his food, the chef across the street calls Deckard to come over. Deckard folds his newspaper and puts it over his head to shield himself from the rain. The paper is folded messily and the crease side is in his hand. When he gets to the other side of the street, the fold is suddenly much cleaner and neat, and the crease side is on the outside, no longer in his hand. (00:09:00)

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Continuity mistake: When Deckard shoots Zhora and she crashes through the window dead, her hands are above her head, but when Deckard walks up to her body her hands are now halfway up her body.

Blade Runner mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Deckard is snooping about in Zhora's dressing room asking questions. We see her putting on high heel mid-calf boots (just under her shin pads). Watch the chase sequence soon after. Especially when she gets shot and is on the ground picking herself up, you can see she is wearing what looks like black trainers. (00:52:10 - 00:55:40)


Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

More mistakes in Blade Runner

Deckard: I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.

More quotes from Blade Runner

Trivia: In the scene where Ford and the other policeman take off in a police car, there is a shot of the inside of the car showing a computer screen with a flashing word "purge" on it. The screen was originally used in "Alien" when Ripley set off the shuttle to escape from Nostromo. (00:10:30)

More trivia for Blade Runner

Question: When Roy and Leon enter Chew's lab, Chew is muttering to himself in his native language. What language is he speaking exactly, and what is the translation of what he is saying? (00:28:05)

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Chosen answer: The language is Chinese Cantonese, and is saying something like "... Now we can more time.", and when the replicants came inside the lab he says "... What a f*** doing here..."

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